What to do in SOD S3?

Is it only my problem or anybody else realized there is nothing to do with 1 week long IDs?

Basically, you farm your prebis, then you go to raid which you clean in 1 - 3 hours depending on your group. Then what? Wait 1 week for the next raid?

You can farm gold → farmed 5k via various farms, bought best enchants and boes. Not fun anymore since there is no more gold sink.

You can farm dungeons for Offerings → a few times yea when you get prebis, bis items, then it’s only about gold which you have tons of.

Nightmare Incursions → It’s OK rep/item/gold farm but again, you do it for 8 hours and it’s done.

PvP → I prepared myself for rank 7 in S2 via STV event, now I’m rank 7 with no motivation to do more broken SOD PvP as alliance against broken horde racials and shamans.

What else is there to do? I was really really hooked to SOD, but now there is not anything to do. 3 days ID kept me playing, now I’m kinda bored with nothing to do :frowning:

PS: I don’t like having alts, it makes me bored even more to do everything again.


10 man raid on 3 day ID was the best kinda bad they went with 20 man bcz of the classic nerds crying (they even want 40 man xD).


Got all proffession maxed out?
Done all proffession quests?
Done all quests for the raid?
Maxed reputation for different factions?
Got recipes for proffessions?
I feel sod was kinda made for trying alts aswell:)(but if its something you dont like its fine.)
For me i feel different. I still have plenty to do. Like getting rank 7, get exalted with ab, get maxed on my proffesions, get atleast 1k gold for phase 4 epic mount, more gold for enchants, get fishing 300 and win fishing tournament etc etc.
Maybe take a break then and play other games or irl stuff if you feel there is nothing left to do😀

Yeah as a returning player content looks really poor.

Incursions are just brain dead nonsense to me, how anyone can farm these and think it’s fun is beyond me, Incursions are for hard core addicted wow players who cant see the sky for the tree’s imo.

All leveling dungeons are pretty much dead on the server I am on, people mainly do incursions to level up, wonderful.

PvP seems like even more of a :poop: show

So there’s basically only raids for Mara /BRD /ZF farming a few items and tokens.

Honestly didnt think I would be raiding dungeons 10 manning a boss several times an hour

As a newbe SOD just seems like it was not well thought through /planned /implemented

Level 36 at the moment and wondering if it worth staying subbed to this mess (dont play retail)


Got all proffession maxed out? → Yes, you can do it like under an hour or so
Got all proffession maxed out? → Yes
Done all proffession quests? → Yes
Done all quests for the raid? → Yes
Maxed reputation for different factions? → Yes from P2 where I had to find something to do
Got recipes for proffessions? → Yes farmed/plenty of gold to buy it
I feel sod was kinda made for trying alts aswell:)(but if its something you dont like its fine.) → I hope it’s fine
For me i feel different. I still have plenty to do. Like getting rank 7, get exalted with ab, get maxed on my proffesions, get atleast 1k gold for phase 4 epic mount, more gold for enchants, get fishing 300 and win fishing tournament etc etc. → Rank 7 was done in P2 with all the honor prefarmed as it was the only thing to do, I got about 5k gold with all I need bought, fishing could be the one missing thing for me but the reward is very low.

Maybe take a break then and play other games or irl stuff if you feel there is nothing left to do :smiley: If I had enough things to do IRL I wouldn’t be playing wow

Anyway I appreciate your advices!

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Can you share your method with us?

You are the perfect example for the audience that shouldn’t be playing SoD :wink:
This version of WoW wasn’t meant for the likes of you.
It’s a casual dadgamer friendly version of classic. If you play as much as u advertised and went through everything there’s to do, then please do us a favor and go play a version of WoW that was meant for you… or don’t, idc but you are a motorcycle driver going on a bicycle lane and complaining that everyone is too slow :sweat_smile::man_facepalming:


Go out and enjoy real life maybe? Srsly , what’s wrong with you guys, sweat lording 10h/daily for 2 weeks and ran out of content ? Retail is awaiting you


Relax , touch grass irl insted of living ingame 24/7 no?

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I have it on good authority from my Timbermaw Hold rep thread that you should waste hours of your life mindlessly grinding mobs for rep.

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I simply get the impression that you play too much!

Seems to me you have too much free time, maybe you should have played in a more healthier way.

I think it’s a good middle-ground that someone like you who has played 5 hours every day since launch can run out of things to do.

Turn off exp boost and level in the ouside world. Everyone is boosting his behind in nightmare/dungeons—> open world is a breeze. Max 2-3 of each faction at a quest spot.

I’m on the opposite side. I can’t find the time to catch up to my guildies with stuff like rune acqusition, farming rep, maxing professions, goldfarming etc. But then again I treat SoD like a side project, and not my main game.

Hunt epics ,farm gold pvp rp farm ,minmax your character ,lvl prof

I have something for you. It’s because the game is becoming retail, and retail is subjectively garbage.
There is nothing else to it.

Look at all problems, the plethora of issues. P4 is gonna be even more of a s h i t-show…

SoD should have been an enhanced and extended classic experience, not a reinvented retail experience.
Here we are where people are actually starting to ask about more retail abilities, m+ concepts, raid difficulties, parses in classic :joy:

This ship is sinking and people are realizing it now in p3

PvP → I prepared myself for rank 7 in S2 via STV event, now I’m rank 7 with no motivation to do more, you screwed yourself, i still having fun in bgs cause i dont prepare at start, now i can have fun 2 months and have same rank as you… dont rush next time

I just end up farming expensive enchanting recipes that no one wants because materials are too expensive, gives me something to do, also the reputation ones. I even farm the cheap ones because I like to have them all.

Probably overplayed the game and ran out of things to do.
What do you usually do when you run out of things to do in any other game?
Probably quit and move on.

Take a break for phase 3 and play something else, log on when you wanna have some fun and don’t look for a constant carrot to chase.