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Ask ChatGPT whether Blizzard should give more money to its infrastructure teams?

This topic alone may keep you reading until the servers are back up?

Looks like their authentication servers are on a spa day, treating login attempts like a slow-motion yoga class. Maybe they’re sipping on digital lattes while users impatiently wait at the virtual door. #ServerSpaDay

In conclusion, the decision to allocate more money to infrastructure teams should be based on a holistic evaluation of the company’s current needs, future goals, technological advancements, and the potential impact on both internal operations and customer experience. It’s essential to strike a balance between short-term needs and long-term strategic objectives.

I bet the answer was much longer than that.

And what is their short-term needs, based on today’s shenanigans, in your opinion?


-dragonflight has finally killed the game-

As of my last knowledge update in January 2023, I don’t have real-time information on specific events or developments that may have occurred since then. Therefore, I can’t provide insights into the current situation or any recent events that may have influenced Blizzard’s short-term needs.

If there have been recent shenanigans or events related to Blizzard, I recommend checking the latest news, official statements from the company, and relevant industry updates to gather information on the current challenges and circumstances they are facing. Additionally, it might be useful to review any recent financial reports, press releases, or statements from Blizzard to understand their priorities and focus areas in the short term.

Once you have access to the most recent information, you can analyze it in the context of the points mentioned earlier regarding infrastructure needs, business goals, technological advancements, and employee satisfaction to form an opinion on what Blizzard’s short-term needs might be and whether allocating more resources to infrastructure teams would be beneficial.

We are launching…


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still grey realms

we’re progressing

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I’m trying… yay!