What was the highest 3v3 rating ever in any part of the world?

You’d think so, but the rating pool inflation isn’t determined entirely by the amount of characters participating anymore. Blizzard is in full control of the rating pool inflation, so they can make the top of the ladder reach 3.3k every season regardless of the participation numbers.

Blizzard have been in control of the inflation ever since the start of WotLK. It was only in Burning Crusade that the participation numbers directly determined the rating pool inflation.

They changed a lot of it in WoD with the sudden loss of close to 5 million subscribers over a couple of months, and haven’t reported subscription numbers since.
Basically, they were forced to take more direct control of it once so many players quit playing.

Btw, there’s a fundamental flaw in this method. It affects queue times.

The way the matchmaking works is that it starts out in your own rating range of MMR, and then continues expanding the parameters until it gets a match. So with a more dense player population, queue times becomes faster if there are fewer rating ranges.
But because they don’t seem to properly adjust the amount of rating ranges in the matchmaking all the time, it affects queue times when they overlook it. Which leads to players often blaming player population for the increased queue times when that happens, when in fact the amount of players is almost irrelevant.

I think so too. Most cloth sets go well with the Blood Elf model, and the blue color spectrum go especially well with Void Elf skin colors I think. Some nice complimentary colors there.
I quite like many of the new Shadowlands sets as well, so will probably switch to some of those when the time permits it. :yum:

I never had the time to look at them… I hope the covenant set I like the most won’t be linked to the covenant that gives me the least useful bonuses.

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Honestly, I’m afraid I don’t really know any more details regarding the issue. :confused: I just know that for several years (unsure about current times) he was “respected” for having the world record of the highest 3s rating ever achieved. That’s also kinda how I got to know about him as well.

It could be just that. Honestly, I have no idea how this was done, even though I can see the possibility of some dust being hidden under the carpet for sure. I mean, back then there were several 3k teams with really strong players, and the idea of Zilea’s team having all of them on farm status doesn’t quite add up for a reasonable explanation.

I actually had no idea! O_o What the hell?

Raiku on his dh got 3k5 the first season of bfa if I’m right.

Edit : oops shamy already said it =D

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It was fixed before the season ended, but that didn’t stop a lot of people from obtaining achievements they otherwise would’ve been unable to, and led to the top players going even higher.

They had also changed it for the removal of battlegroups together with the launch of S14.

It’s just the “inner workings” of their system, which isn’t announced in change logs. It’s easily inferred as long as you understand the fundamental principles of rating systems on a mechanical level though.

Sooo many words, soo much wrong

Thanks for your valuable insight, troll.

it was makcie , oxxie and xot i think. the boomkin in his first season of getting r1 also set record of highest boomkin ever.

There was a time where you could abuse the arena system. As soon as someone of your team died, everyone used a /afk macro at the same time and you left arena without a single point drop of rating or mmr. But you got rating/mmr for every win.

So depending on when it was made, the cr was pointless. We had for example seasons where MMR was going up to 5k.

Seriously achieved is probably Raiku on his DH with 3508 in the first BfA season. “Seriously” in terms of that there wasnt a mmr/rating abuse, just a massive amount of players, even from PvE due good drop rates. :wink:

But ya, the inflation was crazy in the first season. I quit the game when I got glad and when I came back in S2 basically everyone on my FL was suddenly 3k++ xpd. :laughing: Even RL friends who were 2-2.2k before suddenly where 2.7k+

There wasn’t more characters participating than in season 15. So no, the amount had nothing to do with that per se. Even Legion seasons probably had more characters participating than in the first season of BFA.

There was. 416 R1, means 416k people above 1k. That is still 10% more than we had in S15.

Pretty much explains what I wanted to say myself.
You’re assuming in good faith that Blizzard is truly placing the cutoff at 0.1%.

I am sure that you can support your implied claim to the contrary at least with solid evidence!

To use previous seasons doesnt work out in this case, because as Ive already said: In season1 the amount of drops we had in PvP was so high, that even a lot of PvErs played arena just to equip faster then they could have equiped with PvE.

Yeah, because Blizzard is a company that publishes everything they do… Oh wait! :roll_eyes:

As Ridtur mentions in the link, you’re presuming an unprecedented average amount of participation never seen before despite several times higher subscription numbers in the past.

Well, so you are just saying things are like that without bringing even in a slight evidence that is supporting your statement? Not even a few pieces of the puzzle we could combine with common sense to get to your assumption?

Isn’t that the definition of a chatterbox and busybody?

The link is self-explanatory. If you can’t use those “puzzle pieces” to connect the dots, then that’s on you.

I explained why the assumption doesnt work in this case. To ignore that doesnt make you smart.

He is using the sub amount and combine it with the r1 spots and calculating from this down. For legion I would agree, there was something conspicuous was going on when suddenly the R1 amount increased even when everyone had the feeling, that the player decreased a lot.

But in BfA season1, it was a fact that a loooot of PvErs were playing PvP, even those who havent ever played PvP before, because PvP was a very good source to equip!


Because you arent smart enough to understand!

For legion I would agree, there was something conspicuous was going on when suddenly the R1 amount increased even when everyone had the feeling, that the player decreased a lot.

But in BfA season1, it was a fact that a loooot of PvErs were playing PvP, even those who havent ever played PvP before, because PvP was a very good source to equip!

After 100 arena games I was better equiped than any guy who farmed high m+ keys.

Well, to be fair, the post he linked is at least understandable, but it ignores other factors.

Firstly, nobody knows exactly how many subs we had at the beginning of BfA but that he is using to calculate the estimated amount of PvP players. For another, it doesn’t take into account that PvP was the best source for equipping for a few weeks which increases the player pool above 1k rating also a lot.

Except it’s plain foolishness.

The gear was superfluous. People got equipment for less effort in content they were used to via PvE, the PvP gear they were capable of getting when they still needed gear didn’t provide enough to make it worth it.

The azerite power was also nerfed really fast in BFA s1, from arenas.

So your proff is that you do not know…?