What will Azshara do next?

Will she be less evil now that N’zoth is gone? What do you think she’s planning?

I don’t think so. She was evil before N’zoth, she was evil before the Legion came. She doesn’t need anybody to be evil.


Probably try to find a way to bring her back to the same-ish power-level she was when N’zoth was around? She’s powerful but she seems to be the sort where it’s never quite enough.

Evil? How insulting, she has her sights on the true throne now, you must wait a few more expansions to see.


Certainly not.

What she will do next? No idea. Choke on a fishbone, hopefully.

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She said that she will go to claim the true throne of power. The question is what is the true throne of power?

Well, I think it is a matter of “point of view”

Azsara is old school Highborne. Like the dominant elite of lifeform, in her point of view. everyone that isn’t “her” is nothing to her.

Her actions is not really “evil”, she is simply just in another believe.

When that have been said, I do believe she is vendictive and cunning, and having us ( the players ) ruin her scheems, she will deffo come for us in the future. She is said to be one of the most powerfull beings and magic-users in the world/Azeroth. Even Jaina and and Thalyssra have stated that. She was even going to get married to a Titan.

I like to think that we have only seen a “semi-Jailed” version of her power, and now without a master to controll her, she might be an even greater threat than before.

If not, it’s just waste of a good strong lore character, and bad writing IMO.

Also a side-note:

Nya’Lotha could just have been another vision, something that did not really happened. Another way for N’zoth to play with our heads.
So it might have been a plan all along. And we only seen the tip of the iceberg from that Duo of N’zoth and Azshara.

I think a developer even stated something about that thinking N’zoth is gone, would be a great mistake.

Just imo

I was about to say hang on, the nelfs will get you for instituting their QWEEN.
But i saw a reply to your comment already so…One got you already.

This is like arguing the Guys who started World War 2 were not evil. They just tried to kill everyone else because they were lesser beings in their point of view.

Evil is relative
She is just an Elf
Everything the Elves should/usually represent; vanity, arrogance, suepriority complex… and any other cat-like atributes
As immortal beeings they work on a different scale and hard to classify them with mortal/human values
They are no humans, humanoid, yes…
Sir Terry Pratchett this in his works very well:

“You call yourself some kind of goddess and you know nothing, madam, nothing. What don’t die can’t live. What don’t live can’t change. What don’t change can’t learn. The smallest creature that dies in the grass knows more than you.”

“There was something about the eyes. It wasn’t the shape or the color. The was no evil glint. But there was…
… a look. It was such a look that a microbe might encounter if it could see up from the bottom end of the microscope. It said: You are nothing. It said: You are flawed, you have no value. It said: You are animal. It said: Perhaps you may be a pet, or perhaps you may be a quarry. It said: And the choice is not yours.

" They have no artistic talents, but they want to have some fun, so they kidnap human musicians and bards, even children who are expected to sing, dance and play for their amusement. Elves have no sense of pain, heavily contributing to their lack of empathy, sympathy, or conscience. Elves are not evil in the same sense that Evil Dark Lords are evil. Evil Dark Lords play by the rules and break their promises because they are evil dark lords, it is a sort of professional behavior. Elves lie and make empty promises (often promises of safety, on the lines of “I won’t hurt you if you come out, the way I have just hurt your friend here”) because they want to get at people and hurt them some more. To elves, music is fun, but torture is even more fun. There is not a single elf reported as being nice or good. They are terrific - they beget terror. They are skilled at leaving their prey (everything) alive for weeks whilst they enjoy slowly torturing it."

Sure they are not the same, but vaguely similar to the typical Highborne and Azshara is the quintessence of Highborneness

My bets, she aims the Pantheon, she mentioned the “True throne of power” and where Sargeras (the only one who she considered to be her equal and fitting mate) is now imprisoned with the rest of the Titans is fitting that description :eyes:

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She will eventually die as another raidboss. Thus is the fate of all villains in warcraft so far.

I think she will go two ways: like Sylvanas brought the Death cosmology to us and Gul’dan brought the fel part, Azshara will either bring the ARCANE section trying to become a titan or something or the VOID by messing with the Void Lords or something. They did say she’d have a similar role to Gul’dan and Gul’dan served as the catalyst for a Legion invasion so she’ll serve as the catalyst for an arcane reveal or a void-bringer.

But wasn’t she already the catalyst for N’zoth’s return? Or was that statement after 8.3?

Sure and good point! But I meant this like:
Gul’dan was the villain in WoD and the one who summoned Archimonde; then, an expansion later, he’s the catalyst to the FULL legion’s return.
Azshara was the villain in BfA and the one who broke N’zoth’s chains; i expect she’ll return in a later expansion, pursuing greater power and bringing about either tyranny in arcanic ways OR in her attempts to claim this true throne of power she mentions will bring about the Void Lords and will die in the .1 or .2 of the expansion!
Does it make sense? :slight_smile:

Nice post, what Terry Pratchett book is that from?

Lords and Ladies mostly
And the The Wee Free Men

Marry Anduin Wrynn

Yeah I guess evil is not the right word. Her goal was not to make people suffer. If someone did suffer, then it was a “side effect” of her plans. Selfish, arrogant and narcissistic are better words to describe her.

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actualy we players broke the chains, Azhara was just there helping out, she was not able to do it alone, so she tricked us to do it for her.

If you want to kill everyone except you and your closest friends/allies in the world, that’s evil. Even Hitler was more inclusive in who he allowed to survive his “cleansing”…

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