What will bring wotlk w/o RFD

So people that want to have “true experience” of wotlk I have a respect for you and I will explain what will we face when we go w/o 5 man groupfinder.

Basically I am wotlk veteran that did numerous runs on several servers and back in the day able to get my collector’s edition etc so I am heavily invested in wotlk.

Blizzard is trying to do good but player’s behavior already proven so many times what they do won’t change, so lets say you are UH dk and for your pre raid bis you need UP trinket. As a dps you are applying so many groups and only the people going there will be tanks that play purely tank or dpses that have tanking spec so they are tanking it. What is your odds that getting an invite as a dps for that dungeon? Close to zero or they will tell you can’t need the trinket.

So yes if you are plater there is only one good option for you; get dual talent spec and get all the tanking items that you can get and make your group or join one and never invite other plater or physical dps that needs your loot.But if you don’t want to tank it or heal it gl for you finding a group in first month in 5 minutes.

This argument totally not fair for hunters and rogues. They can’t tank right so what will be your argument for those people? I know that you will say make your own group but GL finding an tank that don’t care needing the their pre raid bis as well.

But luckily this will only happen max 1 month after that new thing will come " what’s your gs or ivil? " well this thing gonna be big problem for people want to have that “true experience”.

So what do you think will happen those new comers? Well they have low ilvl f.e on ulduar content so you are full naxx gear guy that won’t mind getting 190 ilvl guy? Let’s be honest we are one the most toxic community and even say that you are going to help low level ilvl new started fresh wotlk tourists well you won’t help the 3rd one for sure. So this will make barren servers that already faced in TBC. Cause people can’t catch up with the content you are in easily yes wotlk has catch up mechanics (except ulduar patch) but those tided up with hcs. So you do hcs get more old content badges and get 213 ilvls or 226 ilvl items or ToC dungeon to get some gear up. Well people going to have 226 ilvl and I am sure they will love 190 ilvl person for their party. Ow you may ask why I keep saying 190 ilvl. It’s simply because that’s how much ilvl you need for hcs (187 is exact number).

What if we have rfd? Simple it’s fair to everyone always. You get 187 you can que w/e you want and edgelords that care about your gs they won’t give a freak if they do them simply make their groups. Also you can get 2 extra badges everytime also you don’t need to go that specific dungeon for the daily just que random and first one is your daily dungeon.

But yes rdf has a biggest problem and it’s giving %15 bonus damage healing hp everything. It makes heroics so trival so better remove it on wotlk content or just nerf it would be cool but rdf is good for efficiency and veing fair to everyone.

You can agree or disagree that’s ok but this topic or people crying, bashing my post, yelling won’t make any difference blizzard won’t put rfd till some point in the game but they will eventually cause player base will want it or they just feel like it. So why I make this post then? Well I am a boomer that love to say told you so that’s my reason and simply warn you people that what you going to face. So make your arrangements starting from today and ready your napkins if you wanna play as rogue or hunter in the beginning. But wish you all the best of luck to you all. Hopefully new quests giving consumables will change tho.

Last note for the people that going to play on fresh wotlk servers; have fun venturing to caverns of time to gather up your party for the CoS. It’s going to be a unforgettable experience for you.



True Experience of WOTLK is ofcourse with dungeon finder. There is no way to deny this.
That is how it was and should be., period.

Most decisions of activison i s based around making more money. But keeping rdf out i dont see how this is good for the money. Im 100% sure less people will play without rdf then with it. activision must know something that we dont. Some move they will make later on or something. cant trust em. they must think in some way that keeping rdf out is better for their wallet.

Blizzard is long dead, they would listen to players, but activison only sees money. I can have a more legit experience of wotlk on a random private server then here and that’s crazy.


Fixed it for you ^


Shhh, don’t mention this to the private server crowd because they cant

So you okay with having rdf but when ICC comes. Why tho? It will ruin social aspect of the game, we gonna be just click and go dungeons, it was not like that at all. Why man also cancel that as well why stop only there? It’s only last patch right why you wanna do last content with RFD so disgusting man.

I found having a friends list of good people meant there was no need for RDF. I have never had a positive experience with a PUG in a WoW dungeon, I would rather not do a dungeon with people I don’t know, especially when people will be queueing as DPS with an eye to taking the tanking gear my Pally needs.

I honestly see no need for it at all.


So you say you have friends who always play dungeons whenever YOU feel like it and also the right class setup. Mind if i dont believe you?

Besides not everyone is as likeable as you and has a long friend or slave list wich will do as you please.

This means you never used RDF. Otherwise this must be a lie this simply cannot be true.


So if you want to play you have to have friends and that’s solves the issue. So if I want to play I need to find 4 people to play with me and I can’t play if I don’t?

So if you are lfm for a dungeon and if I find a people that means they are strangers and you basically have to play with your friends or you can’t play at all? How about guild? Let’s say you have 24 friends that play together 2 of them left so you can’t play because you don’t have 2 strangers to come and take their place?

Man can you even go to burger place to order something? What you state is a some kind of disorder not a gameplay related man and it’s so personal that I wish a lot of friends. Dunno what would happen if you won’t have any.


That’s not how friends work.


Deathsseeker I am in the nice position of being in a guild of IRL friends, so I don’t need to worry about class setup or anything of that nature, we have been doing this for years, we have multiple alts, if we want to do a dungeon we do one, we can fill whatever role we need to because we are organized.

This is an MMO, which by its very nature means if you are a solo player you will be disadvantaged. But adding people you have good experiences with can turn that around. Or you could just join a guild and experience the game as intended.

I used RDF enough the first time around to know it isn’t for me, I already had a list of friends outside the guild from Classic so in the unlikely chance I couldn’t get a dungeon group or if we were short a player, we could just pull someone in.

You get from the game what you put in right, if you are organized then you always should expect a better experience.

Ichitro, I would expect in an MMO that to have the dungeon experience I want, that I would either need to have a working friends list or a decent guild. It is an MMO. By definition, it involves interaction with other people.

I choose not to interact with people I don’t know because I have zero intention of tanking a dungeon so someone who wants to tank but doesn’t have the balls to do so can run as DPS and then roll on tanking drops. I am unwilling to be in that position, sorry.

If you have a group of IRL friends that play WoW dungeons with you already, why would they stop just because of RDF? Nothing stops you all from queuing together.


This is good for their reach. Disabling RDF will resuit in people spending more time in-game, because people will need to find group and run their way to dungeon directly. And this is what they need – not huge playerbase, but more time spent in game overall. This is why in retail they enable flying in new zones 2-3 content patches after release, and make WQs 3x longer and harder, make emissary quests required to pick and turn in manually and all that stuff.

And this is not healthy for playerbase for sure.

«Time is money, friend» (c)


I know? That isn’t what I am saying at all Zalanji. I am saying that unless it benefits us, we wouldn’t use it. And that by being organized, other players don’t have to use it.

Before Ashbringer became a desert, people would always be looking for runs in LFG and whispering people asking for help. I don’t understand if you are in a guild why this should ever happen. You join a guild to work together, if you can’t get a guild dungeon run planned, you probably are not in a decent guild.

I know RDF works for some people, but it doesn’t work for me personally, and I don’t see why people are trying to push the agenda of having it early when it didn’t appear until late in the expansion.

Of course man I am not saying that your experience is wrong but neither you can’t say that other people’s experience should be exactly how you wanna be.

Just a simple question for you;

Would you like to wait your other 4 friends to come online or find people on that you know of etc. and when they come you have 2 options fly to where to dungeon at least 2 of the people and and summon you and go like that or you can invite your buddies and click the button go in the dungeon. Yeah second choice really easy regarding to first one plus you don’t have to stop what you do and spend your time to travel to dungeon but like I say maybe you really love to travel area to area or going caverns of time or dealing punks that taken over the summoning stone causal open world PVP etc that is you that might like it and I am not say it is wrong but how exactly I am wrong that I don’t want to fly to Zul’drak from Icecrown and do the stuff if someone leaves party cause maybe my friend had to go? something came up? and have to search for new friend and if I don’t have a warlock in my party have to go and summon again etc etc. so what if I don’t wanna do this and just simply go in with a click of button am I wrong? Because that’s the thing that wotlk brought to us and is it wrong to get it? I mean if it’s so it’s gonna come later down on the game what you gonna do quit?

This is so pointless man. We will have rfd tool down on the road but having not in start basically it means you can’t queue up on stupid vanilla dungeons and you have level like old school so that maybe people buy boosts that’s it.

Plus side argument going A to B stuff, Why do you think rich people have drivers that drive them around cause it’s efficient you can do w/e you want while your driver drives your place to go it’s same with RFD I can wait till my queue w/e I wanna do till then. It’s a privilege thank god we have RFD and we will RFD so why not get cozy before?

For once, Blizzard was transparent, that’s something we cannot deny :smile: They could have said “no RDF in P1-3 because it was added with ICC patch” and no complaints would happen. And then, when ICC arrives, they could have just say “we’ve decided to release P4 without RDF as it destroys the social aspect”. That way, they could have like 12 months of peace :smile:


I still cannot believe that this dungeon finder topic is still a thing. To think that having or not having it in the game is going to make any kind of significant difference is mind blowing. You’re all insane to me.

Simple solution tho. Put rdf but only able to queue with the people in your realm. Wow solved.

I think we both see it as a QoL issue, but I also see it as a people wanting to be carried and rolling on stuff that I main spec for as an issue.

And while I am 100% ok with helping people, I am not ok with people taking the piss.

Everyone should play the game how they want, it’s a game. I just prefer to be organized and play with people who understand how to be nice to each other.

Hence RDF - not for me.

It will sad to see you quit when ICC comes then friend.