What would have to happen to quit Pvp?

Hello dear fellows,

Passive agresive
Comunity driven
Ego based snow flakes
Rank ones, average Joes and andies

What would have to happen or receive to make you delete wow and forget pvp forever?

Goood day to y”all

I”ll trow a barier to protect myself for the train to come.

If my rl mates quit I’m gone instantly, can’t imagine ever playing this as a single player pvp game. I already take ~2 month breaks every time dh, demo or ele are overly broken, but I keep coming back for 3v3 at some point.


the game would have to shut down for them to quit lets be real.for me just a new mmo would do it.or if they just continue like this

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make my class unfun to play

class gameplay pushes me to play content, if content is bad or good, that comes after, if class is not fun, i don’t play.

content comes after, but its still very relevant, to make content enjoyable it has to be fair, and that FOR ME it means that if i join EYE OF THE STORM a 15 man BG, and there is 5 objectives, we would require 3 HEALERS to control 3 objectives vs 2 to make it a fair game, the problem are:
1° often we have less than 3 healers
2° the team often have different amount of healers/tanks
3° the gear gap sometimes is huge which bring iuus to the next issue

ever since MoP, we started having an issue with gearing, because in cataclysm i could totally duel wearing no gear just to flex, and after that stats and IL became so huge that gear started to matter more and more and now a non geared player dies with 1 spell, while a fully geared one with the right class is basically immortal

the item level gap shouldn’t be this huge, from fresh lvl 70 to max geared, even tho gearing is insanely easy, once you have lost the train (start of the season) and fell behind, its obvious that jumping in bg with 600k hp vs 1.5M is not ideal for nobody, SPECIALLY IF YOU DO IT AS A HEALER, YOU LITERALLY DRAG DOWN YOUR ENTIRE TEAM IN THIS META

solution would be, find a way to have a starting gear at lvl 70 that scales in pvp
and reduce the GAP between gear and non geared players
Some people suggested to remove gear from the equation, which, I UNDERSTAND on paper is amazing, but the mentality of most players is “if i don’t have a grind i don’t play” and “if i have a grind im gonna constantly complain” and player have it both ways

TLDR in order the priority should be

  • Class design/balance
  • Fairness in pvp teamcomps
  • PvP content (tamper with bgs to make them less one sided, idk, take longer from neutral to controlled on bases, less points for holding orbs, or carts, w/e u want, queues shouldn’t be longer than matches, and matches need to be fun and not one sided
  • Gearing and Itemization issues

this is how i see it, and as the hater that i am, im not gonna question my believ by going into any discussion below, u can either accept my point of view, or ignore it, not up to discussion ;>

Perma ban woud do the trick


Nice view man.

I think they should greatly improve bgs.

Gewr gap should be max 20% in power.

Solo shuff clearly wont be adressed to soon .

I myself feel to old to inves in LFG for a real team.

I much preffer fun in bgs and dream of a more fair system in SS

Also i”d love to see balance changes more
Often and the removal of micro cc”s in the game.

Hope TWW will be a better pvp expansion, i still had some fun in DF

Take care!


Not forever though


New account new you haha

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PvE gear being better than PvP… that would make me quit PvP
why would i bother gearing with pvp vendors if PvE gear is meta…

other than that maybe if the queue timers was like 60mins each on a dps class… that would make me quit

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Ty for reply

Well the PVP playerbase is 10 time smaller then PVE
All the mistakes have already been made since Legion until DF that made 90% of the casual PVP playerbase quit.
There isn’t much that blizzard can do at this point to make people quit PVP

The ones that are left are the ones that are invested and wont quit unless IRL stuff happens.

I’m among those invested. :sweat_smile:

Nostalgia form Vanilla TBC WOTKL CATA WOD LEGION will keep me subbed until the final server shuts down :joy:


Easy, if they make Glad for solo shuffle, or 1.8 no point to play anymore

If they keep Feral gameplay like this with Wild attunement

if they dont make any changes to CC or Deffensive cd´s

and the easiest one

if The War Within is the same as Dragonflight, where u have 10 minute games until the healer is oom.

But to be fair, Season 1 pacing Before the Ret rework of dragonflight was Fine


I don’t have to quit … when i can take long breaks .
I play other games too…
For example i’m thinking to restart GW2!! I saw a spec, Specter which resembles Shadowpriest!! I’ve played GW 2 before, though there are years , played some FF14 …a lot of single players , Last Epoch , Path of Exile… even LoL with rl friends.
In the past i could play only WoW, after Legion it doesn’t really seem possible.
But, it doesn’t mean that is trash…it just could be way better… so i play many games.

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