What would make the alliance more popular?

I wouldn’t worry, no one else takes them seriously.

I mean look at the Human Male Paladin’s manifesto in detail…

Well that would really help Faction esteem, wouldn’t it, to know that Blizzard had to give you an incentive to play your Faction that is giving you an unfair advantage larger than any unfair advantage ever given, especially when you combine it with his next gem of an idea…

How would that even work? "Oh whoah is me, I have to wait twice as long for my summonable mail box to arrive, and it used to be -such- a good racial before the nerf!“or " Damnation, I have to work with fractions ever since I got +7.5 to my Enchanting Skill instead of a round +15”

So if alliance get 50% buff and Horde get 50% nerf, the madman is in essence suggesting a 100% difference in racials.


Well that’s never going to happen, is it. Blizzard are never going to force that on people. That wouldn’t make more people play Alliance, that would make more people Quit, which would heavily reduce subs, and would be really bad financially for Blizzard.

But then he comes out with this corker, which doesn’t even make sense with his previous idea.

How? How can they do that when -you- just stated that they should be forcibly race changed to Orcs, Trolls, Forsaken or Tauren? There wouldn’t -be- any to join the Alliance. They’re not going to force a Faction change on anyone either, people would vote with their wallets, but lets suppose that these race changed Blood Elves, who are now supposed The Four Horde races he listed, are suddenly now forced to change faction, and race change to High Elves, and the Nightborne go Neutral. Because that totally works, a Third Playable Neutral faction of one race! Whoo!

So each Faction currently has 12 races to chose from. This mad suggestion is that the Alliance then get 13 races to chose from, and the Horde get 10 races to chose from.

I think we can see how seriously we should take this person…