What would make the alliance more popular?

And you really think this is going to change anything, as a whole?

Yes. Did u even read the post or being pedantic and trolling?

the horde bias started in MoP not in late legion, it has gotten worse and worse as the game progressed but it started in mop when the horde had much more powerful racials and a lot of the top guilds moved horde

this then just leads to a cycle of anyone wanting to get to higher status and push higher up the food chain as such needs to be horde as all the top guilds are there, and no guilds cant really move to aliance as they will lose access to a lot of the top players in the game.

yeah every man for themselves is good for PvP, but in PvE the horde had vastly superior racials, which is a why a lot of the playerbase shifted, take throne of thunder for example, one of the most difficult bosses in there was classified as a beast so troll hunters just did more damage than aliance hunters, and hunters were powerful back then so horde had a distinct advantage.

it goes deeper than that now though, if you want to improve there are vastly more options on horde as the vast majority of good guilds are horde now, so its a lot more difficult to gain more progress and push harder if you are aliance.

but a lot of this comes down to the top end players and they couldnt care less about the aesthetics, they all went goblin in tomb of sargeras for example and goblins are disgusting.

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I asked the question in a serious way. Sorry for taking you serious, will not happen again.

And your so called improvement only means you do variable% more damage… thats why i said damage junkies I refer to people that are min maxing their damage…

But really is that what you call fun is that what you want to do in this game? for any new player to be honest only min/max damage output until new expansion comes to start all over again because they lowered items levels and added new side powers…

I wouldn’t worry, no one else takes them seriously.

I mean look at the Human Male Paladin’s manifesto in detail…

Well that would really help Faction esteem, wouldn’t it, to know that Blizzard had to give you an incentive to play your Faction that is giving you an unfair advantage larger than any unfair advantage ever given, especially when you combine it with his next gem of an idea…

How would that even work? "Oh whoah is me, I have to wait twice as long for my summonable mail box to arrive, and it used to be -such- a good racial before the nerf!“or " Damnation, I have to work with fractions ever since I got +7.5 to my Enchanting Skill instead of a round +15”

So if alliance get 50% buff and Horde get 50% nerf, the madman is in essence suggesting a 100% difference in racials.


Well that’s never going to happen, is it. Blizzard are never going to force that on people. That wouldn’t make more people play Alliance, that would make more people Quit, which would heavily reduce subs, and would be really bad financially for Blizzard.

But then he comes out with this corker, which doesn’t even make sense with his previous idea.

How? How can they do that when -you- just stated that they should be forcibly race changed to Orcs, Trolls, Forsaken or Tauren? There wouldn’t -be- any to join the Alliance. They’re not going to force a Faction change on anyone either, people would vote with their wallets, but lets suppose that these race changed Blood Elves, who are now supposed The Four Horde races he listed, are suddenly now forced to change faction, and race change to High Elves, and the Nightborne go Neutral. Because that totally works, a Third Playable Neutral faction of one race! Whoo!

So each Faction currently has 12 races to chose from. This mad suggestion is that the Alliance then get 13 races to chose from, and the Horde get 10 races to chose from.

I think we can see how seriously we should take this person…


Nothing. The Alliance doesn’t have orcs and is therefore automatically inferior to the Horde. :muscle:

But I guess what could help would be giving the Alliance some bonuses in PvE. Or just let them do raids and dungeons with their Horde overlords.

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My solution is; remove humans from alliance. :muscle:


its too late now. people left for the horde a long time ago and the horde now is the faction with the more active playerbase. especially for endgame stuff.

pvp wise, i got to ask. did they remove the horrible mercenary system? The one wich lets the horde join as both faction in pvp because of them being more populated, giving allies longer queue times instead with no real benefits

Technically 300% if 50% is the new baseline :slight_smile:

I mean, I do think that if racials can solve it, they do genuinely have to be OP. They have to be something that raid leaders and PvPers can look at and think “Hey, that would make up the missing 10%…”

Sure, they can be nerfed once faction balance is attained later, but right now, they’ve got to be super-strong or they won’t be worth leaving the community of the Horde.

Or allow communities and guilds and stuff to be x-faction. Give people x-faction community chat, let them form groups with their friends whichever faction they are on. I’d be interested to see how many players returned to Alliance if the only difference was how your side does in wPvP. I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of people putting up with mud huts for the social perks…

I don’t really mind a temporary change in that direction but that would bring a major problem. If the racials are that OP all the big players in the Horde will switch Alliance, leaving the Horde with casuals. So you will just have a reverse of the situation real quick.

My opinion still stands, you want to bring a balanced pool of players to the Alliance. That needs to be done through NEW content.

New fancy races, maybe player housing, and a fair buff in racials if you want.

It needs to be done through multiple sources, not just overbuffing racials.

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the most realistic way i can think of would be to improve the racials of alliance by a small amount and make character transfer to alliance free into both sides is semi balanced

I’m sure there can be found a solution to the Alliance problems if Blizzard would actually acknowledge them officially and have a serious conversation with the community.

We can come up with ideas but only they can implement it. They have the raw numbers, they know the situation better. All they need to do is be transparent about it.

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Well, the first two are generally not the reasons people give for switching to Horde anyway. To be fair, it’s even become common opinion that Alliance racials are already slightly better for PvE. The problem is community; there’s significantly less players on blue, and it gimps a lot of the game because of it.

But I don’t think that racials would only attract high quality players, tbh; Johnny Casual might like some help in PvP and pugs - especially if the numbers on each faction were a bit more even :slight_smile:

But you’re right that it can easily have bad results. The best thing, imho, is x-faction groups, and just let people choose a faction based on visuals and wPvP.

Well, to give you an example. I’m a hardcore Horde player but in WoD I mained Alliance because I hated the Horde garrison and I wasn’t the only one.

There is things that can and will make Horde players switch outside racials.

At this point I think the top Alliance guilds should create a megathread exposing the current issues their faction is dealing with and come up with possible solutions.

You have my support and I’m sure many others as well. It’s time to address this issue in a more direct manner. Preferably before Shadowlands goes live and things get more complicated.

Instead of just giving up and switching, you should fight for your faction. It has been proven multiple times that when the community truly wants something, it gets done.

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I agree, human is like one of the worst races in the game.

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And then

My bad for taking you seriously. Troll.
Ignored forever. :wave:

It was actually serious. I play horde because the humans are on the alliance side. I am not playing a RPG/fantasy game for playing human. That is already real life. So make alliance more popular for me, remove humans.



to be honest humans are not in the smallest the same as in real life…
they are descendant of the vrykul and the vrykul came to be because of the curse of flesh… so in a way where playing with titanforged.

He’s the Gift that keeps on giving, that boy. I suspect it would only need the removal of just one character to make the Alliance more popular, or less of a joke, rather.

Best recruiting Sergeant the Horde ever had.

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