What would you do with the above poster? #19

Give her a cheery wave and offer her a part of the pear Nakitaa happens to be slicing.
Take a slice, and comment on the flavor and texture of the fruit before offering her some apple pie.
"learned recipe from human, give honest thoughts."

The druid reaches for said pie. “Mind if I take a bite?” She chews it carefully while trying to grasp the flavour.

“It is really good! The texture is a bit a smidge soft tough, a few more minutes and it would have been on point. But is really good regardless!”

Offer her a nice, juicy apple.

"I found it on the gnome’s corpse and don’t really need it. Do you want it?"

Rushes forward at the Tauren’s words and attempt to smack the apple from his hand

Having only arrived in time to see the human try and smack the apple from the Undead Tauren’s clutches, attempt to enquire as to what the important of this piece of fruit happens to be.

He would then begin regaling anyone in close proximity about the story of the “Hozen and the Apple”, a whimsical little tale about the great lengths a Hozen goes to in order to retrieve an apple, the ending of which results in the protagonist obtaining said apple, only to find that it is hollow due to a worm inside having eaten away at it for an extended period of time. He then explains the moral of the story is that dedicating one’s time to a goal they know very little about could bear a fruitless outcome.

The Pandaren then gives a hearty chuckle at his own pun, regardless of whether or not it was well received!


The goblin begins laughing uncotrolably as she hears said pun. Eventually she begins rolling on the floor and gasping for air. After a few moments she is able to recompose herself. And then starts laughing again.

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Arriving after the mentioned pun was said, Laurenn’d show a bit of concern for the seemingly laughing for no reason Nex, asking if is she feeling alright.

Suddenly, the illustrious Goblinoid tailor known as Rizzwald arrives on the scene! Noticing Nexinee Felflinger rolling around apparently suffering from some sort of respiratory issue, he quickly proclaims that he knows CPR, removing his hat and veil, quickly passing them to Laurenn, asking the Void Elf to try and procure some proper medical assistance while he does the best he can, name dropping a nurse called Blixee specifically, before attempting to perform the kiss of life on his fellow Goblin!

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Talraea tries, she really does, to explain to Rizzwald that the lady’s just laughing, not choking or having a heart attack or anything. Unfortunately, Rizzwald doesn’t seem like the type of Goblin to listen to logic, so she tries something he will respond to: Asking if he can make her a nice dress. Something with a starry night sky motif.

Overhearing the Void Elf’s request, Claraux chortles slightly before making a passive comment about how just because Talraea has suddenly ended up with a similar skin tone to a lot of Shal’dorei, she shouldn’t attempt to dress like the inside of the Eternal Observatory.

The shorter Void Elf would walk behind the taller Nightborne, gently poking at Claraux’s robes before walking off and grumbling something about ‘cheap Night Elf knockoff’.

Laugh at the voild elf’s mumble, saying that she probably has never been to Suramar if she is saying stuff like that.

Remark that she has been to Suramar and quite enjoyed it, despite having to disguise herself and constantly dodge illusion-savvy guards. Strike up a conversation about the similarities between their cultures, never mentioning anything to do with Alliance or Horde.

Upon bumping into Talraea at another time from their previous interaction, where it did, of course, turn out that Nexinee was perfectly fine and it was just an embarrassing situation all round, Rizzo apologises for the scene from the last time, but indicates that he could indeed fashion such robes as requested!

He then produces a small notepad from his satchel, flipping a few pages in before reaching a couple with various constellations drawn on them, showing these sketches to the Ren’dorei, asking if she has a preference for which of them she would rather. After she has selected, he then begins to make a few more notes whilst walking around her in a circle, looking her up and down.

If asked by Talraea should he require her height or measurements, he declines before impressively responding with a very accurate guesstimate, proclaiming “… ya just know by lookin’ at a broad after a while, y’know what I’m sayin’?”

Express a genuine interest in Rizzo’s clothing. Asking what sort of dresses he can offer her, how much they cost and so on. Most of them, she’d probably be willing to buy if they don’t look too simplistic or reveal too much of the wearer’s skin. Especially the golden and red ones!

Plant a small note either on her person, in her belongings, or at a place of residence, which happens to be written in Thalassian and simply reads …

"The following is a short list of several individuals who arrived at your little meeting the other day, uninvited, along with their future locations.

Do as you will with this knowledge. They are enemies of Quel’Thalas."

After said list, in the bottom righthand corner where one would normally sign their name, there is simply a doodle of the Icon of Blood with “Remember the Sunwell” written beneath.

Laurenn shan’t be aware of who placed this, wherever it was found.

Take them to Goldshire

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If allowed, intense study of the orc’s body paint and the means by which it manages to flake yet fail to peel off so easily.

Are we really just going to allow that sort of response from Ghárz, then respond to him like he’s a real person who deserves an actual thoughtful response?

C’mon Marinya, you’re supposed to skip those types of pricks or at least include me in your response to them as well.

Jesus Christ, the forums are so bad now it’s ridiculous.