What would you do with the above poster? #19

(Skipping poster above. Please allow other people to reply to thread before replying again or state when it’s OOC)

“An engineering discussion? Well you can’t have that without me!”

Teknetia plonks down his Draenei sized gun on the table and pulls up a seat. His reaches into one of his many pockets and pulls out various small gadgets and drops them onto the table.

“Azeroth engineering is one thing but Draenei engineering? That’s a whole different story.”

Teknetia begins showing some Draenei devices he has.

Astrophel walks past; lunch of steak & cheese sandwich with an easy ale.

A gentle hum, he’s looking forward to lunch. Until he notices the Draenic technology…!

“Oh the Light! You’ve got gem gadgets! Magic seemless entwined with machinery. Can I have a… little look?”

Sitting nearby, Astrophel takes a large bite of his sandwich waiting for consent.

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Tinkbik suddenly crashes on his flying machine behind Astrophel, breaking the roof if it was indoors and making him drop his sandvich out of shock.

He quickly notices 2 things: Some engineering stuff on the table and shocked looks pointed at him.

“Uhm…Good day, fellow… engineers! Good weather for… {Awkwardly looks at his transport} flying today… yes?”

He tries to smile while also not trying to look awkward.

Dangerbeard drops what she is doing and pulls out her sawn-off shotgun, pointing it at the newly arrived Gnome.

“For your own sake, Gnome, this better not be an attack.”

watching over the unfolding scene in front of him, Jaigo buries his face in his palm as he winces at the wrecked flying machine.

Perhaps I should have followed the Houjin monks…

Tal looks up, completely ignoring the wreckage (that’s… that’ll work itself out, probably) and shakes her head at the Pandaren, indicating that’s a bad idea.

cast rejuvinate on the gnome Clean up the mess you made.
See’s the swiftly looking void elf and checks his pockets too see if everything is still there

“Are we under attack… ?”

Mahli’ficia peers into the room, a curious eyebrow raised. However, when she sees the gnomish flying contraption; and the gnome itself, an audible ‘ah’ escapes from her lips.

“Oh, that explains it.” She says with a nod, before peering towards Dangerbeard.
“Best not use that boomstick of yours. I am positive I smell a fuel leak in here… speaking of which, I will head outside. Ta-ta!”

With her gossamer silk cape flying about, Mahli’ficia would turn on the spot and walk away from the explosion hazard.

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Damien, after he saw the Ren’dorei walks a few step back peers into to the room sniffing the air

"Its smell like… horrible death and destruction. Please don’t be a…’

He sees it

"Oh god… it is’

The Worgen rubs the bridge of his nose

"A Gnome invention… in the name of progress, I guess. Don’t you talk to me about progress. Progress just means bad things happen faster.”

He growls

"And a Dark Iron with firearm?! Where the Fel are the guard when you need them?! I suggest everybody leave… NOW! "

Damien follows Mahli’ficia’s example and get the hell out of this death trap. But tosses an Imp inside. That Gnome thing have to be destroyed… the little fella will take care of that. Some losses are acceptable in this case.
Trust me

Dangerbeard tucks her gun away, now assured that any danger the Gnome poses is due to his clumsiness.

“Of course the -warlock- is a conservative and a hippocrite. It would take one of your kind to both denounce technological progress and embrace the Fel.”

She kicks at the imp to get the creature away from the crashed gyrocopter.

“Away with you, pest!”

Seeing how two warlocks just came and left without anything getting blown up Malaficus slowly move towards the broken machine and ask the gnome and dwarf:

What where you attempting to build?

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Thyrellas stops her palanquin and peeks out from behind the silk curtain, when notices the little crowd that gathered there and she saw a lowborne Kaldorei
After a few seconds of consideration she steps out and walks towards curiously to the macine

“Whats happened here darling?”

The Shal’Dorei asks the Druid with a cold smile

“A druid of the talon flew in to the engine?”

In darnassian:

I dont know.
Ask the gnome.
How is life with the horde threating you?

Tyreathion would take a deep breath, then, without a single mispronounciation, would say “Shuul og i agthu yrr sk’uuyat uulwi ma oou sshoq’met ez nuq far’al I zz nuq al’tha Ssaggh ni za an’zig yrr puul ywaq gul’kafh.”

He would then pause, giving a devilish smirk. “See? I can speak in languages people don’t understand, too. Does that make me smarter? Come now, we all know common, there’s really no need for that.”

Just stare at him for a moment. “You kiss your mother with that mouth? Sheesh. I’ve met Hozen with more manners.” Then shake her head and go back to her book.

Teknetia’s pet fire Tortoise, Bowser, grabs the book in his mouth

“No! Bowser! Down! Put that down! Drop it right now!”

Bowser reluctantly drops the now half eaten/half burnt book. Teknetia picks up the book and turns to Talraea

“Oh I am so sorry, Bowser has developed a taste for books ever since he ate this book called ‘A song of tortoises on fire’. I’m sure I can find someone a bit more gifted in magic to fix this or make a new book or… erm… do you have insurance?”

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Velyrina puts a hand on her grimoire hanging at her waist when she sees the pet and the half eaten book, then slides sideways away from them towards the bar, her feet hitting some debris that had gotten on the floor from the Gnome’s previous accident
“What happened here? The place is still open right?”

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“I think our little friend turned a decent bar into a bad airport.”

Dangerbeard nods towards the Gnome and his crashed flying machine.

“To look at the bright side, I think the bartender might still be serving drinks. Man’s gotta pay for fixing that hole in his roof some way, huh?”

looks at the crashed flying machine, looks at the mess, looks at the Dwarf, closes her eyes and inhales, opens them, exhales and asks
“You drink whiskey?”

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Rubs the bridge of his noose

“I think… a whiskey would be nice. Make it three, just in case…”

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