What would you do with the above poster? #19

Uses soulstone on himself
I regret to inform you that your request to get your property back has been denied.
The lord regent said and i quote: Those void worshiping crazies arent getting anywhere near quel’thalas.

Ow and i do love the living room.
Can you believe they sold your estate for so cheap.
Something about demon infestation.
I dont see the problem with free servants.

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Shrouded in shadow, Talraea creeps up from behind and picks Malaficus’ soulstone right out of its place on his necklace. Then she stands behind him, visible to the Void Elves in front, and waves it idly, as if to signal ‘Go ahead and kill him’ silently.

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Bell zaps the Ren’dorei with light, a dim ray directed at nerves enough to cause spams for Talraee to drop the precious stone from her grasp. Before soul stone meets with the ground that would shatter it to pieces, infused gem simply levitates back to Warlock’s pocket.

“Tsk tsk… And Ren’dorei still questions why their requests are turned down. Attempting to spill the blood of a child of blood for petty reasons like Real Estate and infested mansions. A Highborne should act better than a lowlife thug.”

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Walking by the road Erah sees the commotion ahead of him
“What have I walked into here? an elf standoff… whatever it is get out my way! I dont have time for you elves blocking the road. people have places to be people to see and a planet to save to so get moving.”
Erah would then press gently on his elementium axes warily staring the elves as he passes through.

“You people have have a great experience with roads, am I right? And how to build them…?”

The Worgen looks sharply to the Orc

“Speeking of your ancestors lately?”

Agitating an Orc is never a good idea
But He usually do anyway in the name of “Never forgive! Never forgot” motto lots of Gilneans adopted

Erah turns to Damien with a scoff
“What is this? a mongrel passing judgment? how easily you forget when your people turned your back on your own kinsmen and left them to their doom. but it seems you conveniently forgot about that huh. always easy to point a finger, but never forget your own mistakes! unless someone dregs them up for you pup!”
Smirking confidently to the worgen Erah turns his back away waving sarcastically to the Damien as he continues on the winding road.

(Skip Skip Skip)

"It is said that those with the longest memories and the fiercest grudges have the fewest friends. At least, I think that is what it translates into from the original furbolg tongue. Even if my translation is off, the reciprocal nature of social relationships remains true.

Of course, old Tanaan’s vast grave must never be forgotten. Especially by its perpetrators. The… reminder and sorrow is part of healing for those left behind and the shame should be a lesson."

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“Why ye listening to fools of furbolgs for? You stupid or something! I mean they’re nothing but raging beastmen. You’ve gotta be daft!”

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Show him the darkness, and offer him power beyond his wildest dreams.

Would scratch behind his ears
He is cute

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Hmm though the prospect of obtaining ear scritches is tempting…

Would avoid these Worgen as they reek of death and not in a pleasent way shakes his head For a Warrior to be resurrected and turned into that!..cruel fate…cruel fate indeed

Yeah, but lemme be honest with you…living worgen? I don’t gotta real problem with you lot. If we passed each other on the road, I’d even offer you some of my rations. I wish we’d chosen you Gilneans over the Forsaken…just keep that part a secret.

Would inquire more about his helm.

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Tell him to leave the poor troll alone and to take care of some cultists nearby. He would then politely apologize to the troll on Torok’s behalf.

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Stay as far away from him as possible. She really doesn’t like those ice cold types, whether they be horde or alliance. And if he comes any closer she’d start screaming.

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Makhael places his hand upon Xeilin’s shoulder and smirks. “Is there a…problem?”


Seeing Xeilin’s discomfort, a “Light” tingle would sear through Makhael’s hand – not enough to majorly injure him or any such thing, but certainly enough to provide a firm warning – and then pass through to Xeilin’s shoulder as a bit of comforting warmth.

“There isn’t, yet… Wouldn’t it be nice to keep it that way, dear?”


Ral’rush tosses an expired head of cabbage in their direction. “Get a room!”

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had been interesting to see if he could really shoot laser out of his helmet.

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Propably talk about suffering well together a bit, then kill people and resurrect them for fun.