What would you do with the above poster? #19

An unstoppable killing machine of Death?
And an Orc…
Hunting her down would be a real challenge! Her skull would be placed on a a prominent place on my trophy wall

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Hmmm fresh and hot goat blood , i 'll do you quick don’t worry yo uwon’t even feel it that it will be done.

i am thirsty for blood: I slit it’s throat with a restrained sword swing in order not to behead it, then drink her hot blood while she die looking at her eyes while they slowly fade.

Where I live we believe one who drink an animal blood also drink it’s soul, one die the other become stronger !

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Ral’rush watches the warrior drinking up the Draenei blood. “Hey, sharing be caring! I wanna try the blood too.”

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i pass on the draenei to the other warrior to drink, there’s plenty more !

One must never refuse others so little as to draw the water or blood from the well or also said: to wet our beak a little !

Someone sharing my taste atlast! May our beak always be well wet ! :o

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I would steal that shiny crown!

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Accidentally would bump in to Liadrineá… and would pick her pockets empty :fox_face:

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I would pick this cutie up and give him a big hug! I wouldn’t even care if my pockets where lighter after it, but I would hope he’d just like a hug.

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“This one seems a bit unhinged”, the Dwarf whispers to herself. She makes herself comfortable in a chair and watches the Pandaren pick up and hug the Vulpera with an obvious look of amusement on her face.

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Compliments her tattoos and fiery eyes.

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Complements those high-tech shades.


Greets an old friend :>


Greets an old friend, albeit under a new identity and from a new realm, still remembering a portal of fire and the escape of a ragtag group from tendril horrors.


A Troll Warrior! Let’s share some battlefield tales!
I’d also touch the subject of Troll regeneration and how fast the wounds or severed limbs heal. It is quite fascinating. Is it painful?


What an honour it is, to meet a fellow highborne who has sacrificed everything for his people.

Come, let us hunt together and recount tales of long lost splendour. It seems my Kaldorei kin have long since lost all appreciation for the finer things in life.


I’ll hop on that train too, because that’s what heroes do.


Apologise for acting like a dick back on Outland.


She seems nice enough
Would offer her to become Lightforged
Our golden tattoos are way cooler…
But if she refuses? Well, the army always could use some expendable shocktroops… she even would have her own exploding spiked collar!

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Would you like a tour of this world, newcomer?

More like a pilgrimage to all things good and beautiful. To help those in need. Azeroth needs healing.

Oh girl, I follow the same creed. Still you can have fun doing it, i.e. goofing around with lights at night or flexing your angelic wings at a party to impress others.

You would be amazed by how many people you can heal after a good party!

A Draenei tried to kill me once. Another saved my life. I could give you the benefit of the doubt…but what would you do with that opportunity?

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