What would you do with the above poster? #19

04/09/2018 12:36Posted by Alystiel
Alystiel stands by, watching the scene; and speaks quietly with a smirk.
"It is known, that he who speaks much, has very little to say."

Looking somewhat upset, she gestures about.

"Letters bent with purpose, a craft by will and form, too often passed o'er poison lips on tongues cleft in twain. To rend the root and stall the flow, raised up high when cast below; What dream of lofty pillars, of gilded halls in waiting by wicked souls rolling in filth, their love of self in vain."
''Did someone say, Teldrassil and were gloating about it?!'' she barely manages to say without her anger bubbling over. ''Oh it's just you Tethenar. The Horde is far from what you signed onto, as the humane expression goes, no?''

''Words do hold power, it is true, but they can never undo what has already come to pass nor what is etched into one's eye, forever.'' Elyssa looks upon Marinya with a mixture of pity and distrust. ''You may yet find that you have eager listeners in the darkest web out there.'' She points into the sky, where Argus was previously.
"I don't know why a person'd gloat about it, wasted strategic opportunity in my opinion. I think this "Warchief" lets her emotions get to her too easily. Can't have that in a position of power..." Thuldrell says as he doses off into the distance, then quickly snaps back to reality as he notices an irritated Night Elf. He simply glares at her and shakes his head.

"It's just some damned tree... what's the big deal? Its not even a proper world tree. If recent history serves me right isn't it just the bastard child of some druid who was too eager to get his immortality back? Didn't even work..." Thuldrell holds back some minor laughter at the thought

"Country elves..."

Edit: New Thuldrell
"That 'mere tree' you speak of was home to thousands of people. Many of them only children." Raesielle looks up at Thuldrell her voice quiet but determined. "And many more lives, even innocent young lives, will be lost in the war that is now following, regardless of what faction they belong to."

The priestess shakes her head sadly "Whatever have we become to fall low enough to see such a tragedy in terms of military strategy."
Approach her with a soot-covered face after playing with a goblin-made toy, and ask for either medical attention or directions to the nearest healer.
"Didn't those 'country elves' Druidism also save his and the rest of his people's lives by growing just some tree in Suramar? Sounds very ungrateful for such an action"

Lortheas then notes Raesielle and inclines his head respectfully towards her.
"Matron, a pleasure as always and speaking of lives lost. I'd like to personally thank you for aiding my brother after his incident. I was worried for a time this...war-" He almost spits the word-" Would take yet another life who wants nothing to do with it, and for that I will always be grateful to you."

Lortheas arches a brow at the draenei's condition but takes a step back from Raesielle to give the two more space, yet not too far away incase the draenei has ill intentions.
"If you are in need of aid then you have found one of Quel'thalas finest draenei."
"You aren't worried about that Draenei over there, are you?"

Zirahael appears behind Lortheas to give the Blood Elf a poke on the shoulder, before nodding towards Nakitaa.

"That blue space girl could never harm anyone!"


"Well, at least not intentionally!"
Lortheas swats the demon hunter's hand away like it was a petulant fly, then turns to look at her with brows furrowed.
" Blue space girl? But no, not truly. These are troublesome times though and malicious minds can easy hide behind pleasant smiles. So better safe than sorry."

(Feel free to skip me)
That is true. One cannot judge people by their looks alone anymore. Cautious approach is the way to keep one's head on one's shoulders these days.
"I know what you mean, I can't tell how many times people called me a "wolf monster" especially in the nights. then again, doesn't help that my eyes are glowing green and having her and him by my side." looks to his worg and frost wolf.
"Even so, people are quite quick to judge, especially on hallows end thinking its a costume well its NOT!."
*Zirahael tilts her head slightly as she 'looks' down at Erahe*

"I don't know, I can think of a few Worgen who'd be really into that outfit of yours... !"
Hudges scoffs at the demon hunter while in his humanform.

"Oh, ohhh so that's how it is... "

*Stumbles slightly, dropping a bottle of wine on the table and 'accidentally' produces a spark of fel flame to light the candles*

"Oops, how silly of me, I best be leaving you two alone... "

*Zirahael saunters over to the door, lowers her horns and is about to step out when she turns around*

"Oh, and know I hold no judgement! And in case you were wondering, my eyes can totally NOT see through walls or anything like that! That'd be silly, heh... e-heh."

*Promptly closes the door behind her, leaving Erahe and Hudges alone in the room*
Little did the demon hunter know that during her scene, Hudges had already left the vicinity of what he presumed to be a delusional demon hunter and, well an orc. Neither being desirable or safe company.
Compliment him on his stylin' hat!
Possibly invite him for tea and cookies.
Share a sample from her latest batch of frost magic created icecream, and remark that they'd go well with hot cookies.
With an expression of mild annoyance, the pandaren advises to not just simply state 'tea and cookies', but to expand on the brew and flavourings. They give the meeting ambiance and possible theme. The deep tea from Kun-Lai with chocolate-spiced cookies could be a chatter of gossip and hearsay. Coconut cookies with sweet tea with milk from Elwynn works really well with a gathering to old friends with silly humour and mundane catch ups.

With patience, he requests what type of cookies and tea are on offer.

((Beaten to it!))

Casually agree with the death knight before touble-taking and asking if her sense of taste still works effectively!
Silently standing behind Moushi trying not to be noticed; Zirahael would give everyone a pleading look from above Moshi's head to not mention anything about either tea, brews or cookies whatsoever around the Pandaren!
Stand in front of Zirahael to block the Pandaren's view of her, but look befuddled as he does it. He's not sure why any of this is necessary, but if she doesn't want to be seen, then let her be unseen.
Ask why he doesn't have any eyebrows. Then without missing a heartbeat ask if he has shaved them along with his beard, then another if he lost them in an accident, and on it goes until Nadine realise this can be a touchy subject and she apologise then compliments his hair, which she finds lovely. And then his skin tone, and lastly his eyes before she manages to shut herself up with a light blush.