What would your character say to the above poster? #28

'ey. everehbodeh 'as times like dat mon. Like ja go sleep an' ja fine, den ja wake up lateh an' blood everehwhere!

Where da blood be comin' from? Nahbodeh know!

O' ja wake up wi' 'air in ja mouth, dat be o' bit strange. Nah remembah eatin' o' scalp.

*throws her hands in the air*

"B-but-butt, but... "

Zirahael gives up; but not before she quickly shuffles up next to Elyssarain, and points at herself.

"I don't count as a mortal, do I?" She asks, her echoing; demonic voice betraying a hint of hope!
That's a whole realm of technicalities that I for one would rather not explore, would just get you a headache at best and a whole host of more questions along with the headache at worst. Interesting mask you've got there by the way.
Looking up from her whittling, she ends up staring a little too long before speaking.

"I must ask. How does that hat come on and off?"
"Well yer see lass, ye dunnae need ter take the hat off if yer a filthy demon-elf, because then yer basically two things nae sane man wants anythin' ter do with, so the chances of yer ever needin' ter get undressed or shower is slim. Much like me cousin Korin."
"Heeeey, that's just mean and not really based on facts. Illidari -do- bathe... I think? Didn't really experience them smell badly when hanging out with those, soo.. that tells me they shower. You know sir, some people do it daily! Like me, and probably many of those 'demon filth' as you call them."
"It's nae the filth on the outside lassy, it's the elf on the inside; but dunnae worry, I see that yer've gone 'n taken some eldritch steps ta remedying ya green eyed, orc lovin' borderline Alteraci ways. Yer good in my books."

[Skip the Khad!]
"I can confirm that we do indeed bathe! You have no idea how sticky demon blood can be, let alone what happens when it gets in your hair. I can bathe in cold water, but I personally prefer hot; a bit to the point of boiling with some sulfuric acid and phosphorous in the air. It really does wonders for my fel enhanced skin!"
"And then you wonder why people complain that your aroma is offensive..."
"Indeed. The rotten egg stench of sulphur is definitely not pleasant."

Lortheas then acknowledges Tethenar with a curt nod.
"Blood Knight."
"Rotten egg and sulphur? Sounds loke half my crew! Or is it all of it?"

"Bloodgown" Mary aproaches the elves with a bottle of rum on each hand and already quite drunk.

"Say, would ya' fellas join me for a few drinks? See yesterday happened tp be the day of my birthday and I just hapened to secure this cache of very diverse and powerful alcohol."
"You see, miss, I wouldn't turn away from a drink but there's a little, little problem. As you mentioned yourself, that alcohol is 'powerful'. Those sooo heavy drinks that get you tipsy after a glass aren't my thing, might have to pasd. Have fun, though!"
"You must try Gobs & Hobbs pineapple punch! Really, really dreamy taste! And it's even not explosive, honest! want me to check if got any spares?"
"This drink you speak of; is it a warrior's drink, of the likes of prune-juice?"
"It's sweet, and juicy, with exotic flavor. Lots of goblin warriors drink it! And well... I, a really, really brave wielder of light, is fond of it as well!"

*lowering her voice, as if locked in a thought*

"I need to try it on Ol'Bar someday, see what she will say 'bout the flavor".
"Gobs & Hobbs pineapple punch? S'nt that the low content one? Y'know for kids an' so the bruisers don't get drunk n' dumb like mooks while at work."
Raviz remarks while rubbing his chin in thought, and then adds so low it's barely anything but a low rumble. "Not like they're the smart sort anyways..."
"I have not heard of this "pineapple punch" you speak of, but I doubt it can beat the good old firewater. Now that packs a proper punch."

*Laughs heartily and offers the goblin a skin of Highmountain firewater.*

"Want to try some? A warning however. It is quite strong."
"Y'didn't hear that 'low content' part did ya? As in alcohol? It packs as much punch as a wet noodle! It taste nice, but if yer wanna get drunk on it, ya gotta drink the whole punchbowl. Anyhows, sure big guy. Let's see what ya got."

Raviz quickly stretches up to grab the firewater and promptly takes a big gulp. He blinks, then burps loudly followed by some lip smacking as he looks down into the skin. After a moment of consideration, he hands it back to the tauren.
"Not bad, not bad at all. Quite volatile stuff. Though It could use some more flavour, like pineapple, or cactus apples, for that extra zing. Say, do ya Highmountain fellas make lots of that stuff?"

(Feel free to skip me, or not. Up to you)
Overcome with curiosity the nightborne takes a bit of said firewater and takes it to her lips. She quite quickly spits it all out.

"How do you people drink this?!"
Thuldrell politely takes the skin from the noblewoman's hands and begins to examine it.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad? Is it really?" The soldier smirks at Ilivara before quickly downing what's left of the drink. His face very quickly turns to blankness as he stands... motionless. Moments later he quickly collapses and falls face first onto the ground.