What would your character say to the above poster? #28

"Wadd'ye know! Two dwarf hating', high-nosed, good fer' nothin' buggers are heaving some elven excuse for a drink! Shame that me old good ram Murdrig can't toss his droppin' into those fancy crystal chalices the're havin'!"
‘’You really need to relax, Tethenar. It is only a dwarf and a large rock....with an aura of.....errr.’’ Ikaallu frowns at both Tethenar and Uruk before declaring, ‘’The Paladin orders have bigger problems than senseless violence over Azeroth!’’
"How ironic is that you're an one saying 'you need to relax' to someone. Wouldn't have thought I'll witness that."
‘’I have been told to ‘By the Naa’ru, go easy on the blue elves!’ by my superiors. If they are alright with your kind, then so be it. In any case, your former kin - the official sin’dorei conduct has proven far more destructive and insidious on record.’’

Ikaallu puts down her Flail-Hammer and ruefully smiles at Láurenn, ‘’A lot of good people are watching your kind, don’t let them down.’’

Strolling past Laurenn with her arms folded, not even bothering to look in the direction of her fellow Ren'dorei, Elsharia simply comments while continuing along. "Does it really surprise you to find the Alliance is also full of hypocrites?"
"As can be expected of any being; hypocrisy is simply a fact of individual thought patterns, truly. Better than the alternative of hiveminds, or alternative gestalt consciousnesses, of course."
Rorick looks at Azizael with pure confusion written all over his face.

"Alternative what?"
"Ah, you see, gestalt is collective consciousness not typically thought of in terms of hive minds obliterating individual agency. Rather than many being as one, many share in the one as part of one greater whole. Sadly, our most prominent examples on this world are creations of void beings.

The gestalt would thus be intimately aware of their hypocrisy but as all is shared and known, they may very well not care at all about it as it would be their commonly accepted exception to expectation."
As the draenei explains, the paladin opens his mouth several times, trying to get a word in. Finally, he shakes his head, quickly moving to Rodrick as he begins herding the other human away from the crowd of psychologists, probably in the direction of a nearby tavern, carefully avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Come, brother. Let us escape before they get to analyzing our childhood traumas, or light forbid, sexuality. It will be scarier then Icecrown on a nerubian day."

Before fully departing the scene, he turns towards the draenei, raising an imperious hand:

"You can come too, if you promise not to talk about gesundheit, or whatever it is called......"
Araphant's attempt to escape unnoticed doesn't avoid Laurenn's keen eye! She follows the paladin and Rorick, walking a bit behind them and following.

"It's called gestalt consciousness, not... what was your version of the word again? Guess-and-hide? Can't even pronounce that after you. But. Don't worry, I've not come to bother you with that and any other sorts of the psychologist stuff. So no, I won't be exposing your tough childhood... unless you want me to, that is.

Anyways, were you planning to do anything apart from walking off from my kin? A drink or anything? If such is the case, I could as well come along. Why not, I could use a glass of Thalassian wine if they serve it anywhere near."
"Eh, not running from your kind at all, lady. Conversations about this whole alternative conciousness business, I dunno what to make of that."

Rorick gives LĂĄurenn a friendly smile before going on.

"Look, I'm just some guy with a crossbow. Feel free to ask after my childhood experiences, sexuality, even traumas or, ah, whatever you like really. Just don't expect me to add anything proper scientific to that whole conciousness talk to that whole, err, whatever that whole conciousness business was even about."

Rorick, looking helplessly out of his element, goes on attempting to steer the conversation away from all the psychology and science that he knows nothing about.

"Thalassian wine, yeah? You're gonna have to recommend me a good one though Do you prefer red or white wine? Personally, I'll take white wine over red."
"It us brave to know our limits. It is even braver to acknowledge we don't know everything and what are our limitations. I would love to spend some time together with you. My name is Arkthurena. What is yours?" The paladin says with a warm and gentle smile.
"Razuun. The Light shines on our meeting." As his voice booms, the draenei blocks a nearby light source adding a dramatic shadow to his entrance; a fanged grin shows it was in purpose.

He comes forward with a bag smelling of warmth, seasons seafood and baked goods. His slings a large bag over, and gently places it down. The surplus amount and open bag suggests all are welcome to some.

"I cannot help myself! Kul'Tiras is full plethora of ingredients and spices. I thought it be wise I start with what it is famous for, yes?"

His brow creases at the mention of arcwine. "To be honest, I am a little disappointed with that one. But then, perhaps my taste isn't laced with addiction, hmm?"
A bright-golden tattoo marked hand rests on Arkthurena's left shoulder and Ikaallu smiles at her fellow Lightforged. ''So I took your suggestions to heart, fellow sister. Along with heavy prodding by our superiors.''

Leaning in towards Arkthurena, she says ever-so-quietly, ''It still hurts, our lost brothers and sisters from the initiation process. As much as the departure on the Genedar.''

Ikaallu holds up a stick of roasted talbuk at Razuun's dark appearance, almost as if to spear him upon it. At seeing his Paladin trappings, her body relaxes and offers him the would-be-spear ''I suppose their less mana-laced drinks are not too bad. Perhaps some flasks from Draen - leftovers from that expedition would be a better taste? I hear the locals in Stormwind have a fine Cider or Mead available as well.''

She picks out a roasted catfish and proceeds to neatly devour it chunk by chunk.
Y'know somethin' Holy Hooves, there's a market for leggy blue broads who glow in the dark an' ain't seem ta got a gag reflex ... judgin' by how yer puttin' away that catfish, I think that's yerself all over. Y'wanna fulfil yer potential, y'come see yer ole Uncle Feenly an' he'll show ya how ta serve somethin' other than the Naaru, an' fer a way more tangible reward!
"Mortality limits fools to pleasures of the flesh and excess. Need I any other proof but you, yourself? There will come a day, where your appendages will wither, and grow useless; and you will bemoan the absence of that you seek with instinctual drive. I will be intellectually stimulated upon this day. Quite even, amused."
Alyassandra glances upon the Death Knight, feeling slight discomfort from his presence.
Althouht I may not aggree with your ideology, I must respect your views. It is true that unlike for you and the rest of your kin', we do value different things. She mutters quietly.
At least knowledge is something that will remain its value long after most things we know now are gone.

"I bet you're fantastic at parties!"


"Yeah! Knowledge! Good stuff! But you know what, my friend? How about we share some knowledge? I, for one, have extensive knowledge on how I can help you. Now you may be wondering: "Oh! I'm probably the best mage to ever walk this planet! What do I not have that this Nightborne does?" And while I couldn't deny the fact you are an amazing and absolutely stunning person. You're missing one thing in your life of learning and debating: Fun! Merryment! All that good stuff!"

Nendrovus pauses for a split second, catches his breath, and proceeds. Cutting off anything the mage would've said

"Now I know what you're thinking again: Fun? What do I need fun for?! I have all these papers to file! All these spells to cast! A working woman can't have fun in times like these! But you know what? I beg to differ! Somebody as amazing as you deserves all the fun in the world! So I, Nendrovus Delvano, am making you an exclusive offer!" Nendrovus puts his arm around the mage's shoulders "Come on... you know you're curious? What do I have in my cape that's so amazing?" He asks, trying to lure her into the next phase of his sale.