What wow players really want

All I really really want is houses :sob:


Armors are definitely not better and neither is world. I can agree that armors and world these days have more details and polygons, but still both of them are staying behind on what we had. Last expansion we had only 1 armor set that I could say was decent/worthy- 7th Legion…the one with lion shoulder pads. Meanwhile Vanilla had what- Pally T2, Hunter T3, Rogue T2 that were great, then there a lot that were decent and maybe few bad ones. So basically things are even worse now. They where able to do great design with how limited things were while 14 years later they hardly can come up with even one set.

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Burn her! She turned me into a newt!


They are devoid of value. They don’t provide any significant amount of gold/resources while also being very easy, even for a healer spec (paradoxically healer specs often can just self-heal endlessly in quest scenarios).

And reputations also become worthless. Few recipes, cosmetics and gear that is relevant for week or two. You don’t have to commit to a rep farm and the rewards aren’t that valuable, long lasting.

IMHO Cenarion Hold in Silithus is great example how you can invest into a faction to get greater and greater unique rewards up to raid level gear or raid-integrated gear plus gold/resource income. You do the solo quests, likely also tier 1 summons but then you have to group for tier 2 or make small raid for tier 3 ones. Plus the badges for tasks and gear sets.

Yes, they improved a lot. Bring the player and not the class + less spike-damage/mass fear mechanics that are present in TBC right now. This also lead to class homogenisation and global normalization of various aspects of the game.

They are dissasters, at least at first iterations. In Thorgast you plow through generic bland mobs that do nothing, just to get soul ash. I was hyped for it, but now I feel only hatred and anger. Wasting time plowing through mobs just to upgrade or craft a legedary. Forcing new instances to be used not for themselves burns the idea of them to many players and locks design freedom from the devs (everyone has to be able to upgrade and mage a legendary so Torghast can’t be mage tower 2.0).

You can’t make a system that will know if the player had good reasons to leave. This is especially a thing for M+ where quite often the group just can’t complete the challenge and breaks apart. There are score chasing leavers but a software can’t easily distinguish that.

Torghast should never be linked as the only suplier of currency of some completely different system. It locks the design freedom, it forces not interested players to hate the system and then the game.

Visions weren’t as linked and were better. Mage tower had zero links and was even better for what it was. Same with Chromie scenarios.

The thing that’s ended up making Shadowlands my most hated expansion so far is Blizzard making everything more tedious just for the sake of it.

:Having to go through the city when switching zones
: Longer world quests with less rewards than before
: Being forced to do content with a timer when I don’t like that type of content
: Timegating galore. I’ve never seen so much timegates in one expansion. Every single time I go to do something it has a timegate.
: Forcing the same story lines over and over even when I’ve already done it on another character.
:Locking characters behind systems while having no real skip for alts.
: Why did we end up having to pick up the world quest daily? instead of it being automatic in the last 2 expansions before it? Just to be annoying?

I could go on. I feel like I’m being poked with a stick and being laughed at while I waste my time for no reason.

The zones are so tiny! I like finding random secrets and caves etc. There is barely anything on the maps! Normally Blizzard does amazing jobs with zones. I’ve never complained about the look and feel of zones in Wow, However this expansion! it’s been a total miss.

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Here’s some stuff I’d like to see:

  • Body sliders in character creation so you can adjust your character’s height, body type, proportions, etc.
  • Hair to not disappear beneath hats.
  • Not cram as much content into one expansion as possible and kill off BBEGs in a single patch with little to no build-up.
  • Bring back PvP quests for non-PvPers like the Warden Towers in Legion. I’m running out of Marks of Honour!
  • High definition upgrades for old armour sets.
  • Easier Brawlers Guild.
  • A way to earn old challenge dungeon loot as cosmetic items.

A newt you say??? But i got better…

Kinda see where they are going there - possibly all 4 zones merging together with Oribos in the middle - like when Dalaran launched into space in Legion.

yep - the worst ones are the ‘kill x amount of whatever’ only to find you should have looted them and then danced the Fandango before killing a puny ‘boss’

Not everyone likes M+ admittedly, but its my preferred content. You could say the Maw is on a timer with the eye of the jailer, but thats going with 9.1

It’s ok to a degree, to stop players hammering through the content and complaining on here that they’re bored. Otherwise, a lot of it is unnecessary.

If you’re referring to the awful covenant thing, then yes - i believe we should be able to swap between covenants as some are better than others for certain content.

Absolutely - i have no desire to even level my Horde alt through that again.

it worked a charm in Legion and BfA, but as usual, a good system needlessly messed up.

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unless you are actively pushing the hardest content in the game in the fastest possible time, there is never a need for anything, you can easily complete most content in the game without needing to complete most of that content, take torghast as a good example, you maybe need it to get a legendary, which means you need to do it for 2 weeks, but outside of that increasing the item level doesn’t make the legendary power stronger so you realistically could just keep it at the lower item level and not need to worry about it. the mage tower from legion is an even better example, literally all you got from it was a cosmetic, so that would never been a need to complete, its always just a want in that case.

thats kinda difficult to achieve because there are some players that dont mind grinding but others that absolutely despise it and will never be happy with anything they consider to be a grind.

adding a bonus for sticking around wouldnt solve this because people would just end up sitting in base and AFKing rather than leaving so they still technically stuck around and would get the bonus.

this would have to be a very minimal reward or something that can only work with players you dont know, so unable to grant a bonus to guild members or friends, because otherwise it would be abusable.

the main problem for blizzard right now is that every single system they put into the game cant just be good, they always have to add a small thing at the end that ruins it, take covenants for example, they are a fantastic concept, but locking players into their choice completely ruins it for a lot of players.

conduits are another perfect example of it, they are a good system overall, allows for a choice of playstyle, demonology has multiple different conduits choices it can make to adjust for different content, but then they add the energy and make it incredibly limiting and thus removes choice for the equation, meaning that you can have 1 spec that is good and the others have to suffer and become nearly unplayable if you care about progression.

take warlocks for example for conduits, they generally go night fae as its the most consistant for them. and you literally want to run niya for all 3 specs in pretty much every single situation because its over powered. this doesnt work and leads to you having to pick niya for one specs and then suffer and lose a lot of damage from any other spec that isnt running niya. they should just make it work as a clean slate for each spec like the neck powers did in 8.2 and that would solve most problems.

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We want zombie dragons , only wow crendor fans will get that one

I just want master loot back :x inb4 angri world 5000 ranked players saying “hurr durr ninjalooting!!!”

Idm not getting gear when I’m a trial btw, which I currently am in the guild I’m gonna play 9.1 with

I’d say that’s a matter of perspective.

I grinded scorpid scales in classic for leveling up LW, a full scorpid scales set & the LW dragonscale quest on a mostly dead classic realm. It definitely felt like a burden to spend hours upon hours killing nearly 900 beasts one after the other in Tanaris.

I finally replaced my lvl30 leather gear on my lvl45 hunter which mail, which was a pretty important upgrade at that point. But it still felt like a self inflected chore and a massive waste of time.

Yet for some that’s the spirit of classic and thus perfectly normal.

What I mean by that is that is that your mindset is just as if not more important than how grindy it actually is.

If gear is a mean to an end then everything will be a chore to get it. If you’re a competitive players trying to maximize your time then anything but the most efficient solution, as well as any delay or timegate will be a source of frustration.

Imo a big part of the issue lie here : How the overall playerbase considers the content & rewards changed from the more “naive” wow players of earlier expansions to now where we have every information available and know at launch the most efficient way to get everything.

Multiboxing was banned in SL and Bots were already banned to begin with. That’s still an issue of course but actions were taken earlier this xpack to make things better in this regard.

You seem slightly misinformed about it.

AFAIK the most efficient way to farm in the open world is a 2x4 group, as only up to 5 single players can loot a corpse. That said if two parties of 4 are involved in the fight all 8 players can loot.

That was especially important for multiboxers but this is now a ban-able offense so feel free to report them if it seems somewhat automated.

If this is just 8 players farming the open world, where’s the harm really ? That’s just making the best of what is at their disposition.

To be honest I think regular players are on a subscription rather than game-time model, and thus can only sub for a single month.

Buying gametime on the other hand is required for activating a 2nd account with gold from your own, and thus does actually make it harder for bots to activate new accounts.

I dunno if that’s actually the goal tbh but if that’s the case then it doubled the Initial cost of starting a bot account.

That’s the case with the anima vendor. Do you think that’s a success ?

I honestly wonder if it could work on a mmorpg format. It’s good when you’re randomly matched in LoL or OW, but there are much more ways to cheat the system in WoW.

On that note there’s a mentor system iirc where “mentors” players can help newbies with their questions in a dedicated interface.

Haven’t checked it myself but iirc it was included in 9.0

The most rewarding gold farm in the game is currently the daily calling afaik, and the move to 60 days gametime does go into that direction as well.

While I can’t say that blizz is actively moving against them, at least they didn’t encourage it

Check out the patch notes which will be released next week or the wowhead articles about the torghast changes of 9.1, you may be interested in what they are doing.

Overall tons of shoulder/back tmogs bought in torghast, a score system which mostly reward completion and slightly speedrun, and a bonus reward vault if you did well iirc

While I liked it a lot of players were put off by the timer implemented by the sanity resource. I’m fairly sure the playerbase was mostly against the feature altho it’s hard to tell to which extent it was caused by the content itself or the overall context (corruption, mandatory grind, timed content, class balance issues, random & annoying affixes etc)

Its not banned


Is it tho ?

Edit : nvm it seems that Blizz considers that multiboxing & input broadcasting to be two different things

So only multiboxers using the API are allowed ? Weird.

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It isnt banned.

Multiboxing is allowed. As always. They banned third party software commonly used by mutliboxers to replicate keystrokes. The act of multiboxing in itself was never touched.


This is what happens when people parrot false information, mainly spawning from big internet personas. People end up thinking it’s real.

Lol? In past you had to become stronger otherwise you would never get to see content. Nowdays you can finish entire game with baseline gear. You have it completly wrong.

What? you play the game because you want…you do the things because you want
not because you NEED something.
it’s like when you say you are FORCED to do IT no you are not you don’t need to grind ANIMA you don’t need to grind gear
If you want to be OP then yes you will do it but not because you need to be OP but because you want to be OP
TBC is the same you don’t need to grind GEAR…you want to grind gear to have POWER
weird logic you have there

This is another weird look at the things :smiley:
it’s automatic SYSTEM and it’s puting together sometimes horrible AFK players who are just there to waste time for other so you are replaced removed
yes sometimes it’s bad that you didn’t do anything and you are still removed and have 30 minutes
but that is the COST for luxury we have today in game

I agree with this one

??? this is another wierd logic you have
man during BFA there was a Pathfinder and it will sound insane
but you didn’t have to GRIND reputations because till pathfinder part 2 was released you had all reputation exalted by default without a GRIND req
only thing you need to do in part 2 was to explore and do REVERED and that is easy and still not a big grind i will say that is no GRIND
it will sounds horrible but the daily system where you repeat one Q or 10 quests everyday
is in game since end of TBC i think so it doesn’t matter if you want the mount you will always do the same thing
no need to pretend that there is a REAL grind in game cause there was not a REAL grind in game for a LONG time
there is only repeat daily and WQ to cap rep and you need to do it once a day
you don’t need to play more then hour and half to complete everything on 1 character
There was a LOT more obnoxious grinds back in the day so i don’t know where is the problem with the new way

You’re off the mark here.

We urge all players to cease using any means of mirroring gameplay across multiple WoW accounts immediately, in order to maintain uninterrupted access to World of Warcraft

This seems pretty clear cut isn’t it ? If you ban the means used to actually do it then by extension it’s also against the rules. And nothing in that article imply that it’s a classic exclusive policy …

If this post prove to only affect classic then so be it, but I think it’s perfectly understandable to believe multiboxing is now against the TOS based on their wording.