What you have done to warlock is disgraceful

At this point warlock class designer should be fired and you should hire back the guy who designed the class from wotlk to legion… State of all 3 warlock specs is disgusting.
I don’t even recognize warlock anymore. Warlock is lacking its core identity currently, it’s a worse version of other specs in the game held up only due to overtuned clunky mechanics and nigh-mandatory raid utility.

I think we’re the only class in entire game without a significant 2min cd. Infernal and Darkglare are doing nothing…literally nothing… Demo “burst” if we can even call it that requires 10 precasts and tyrant damage feels non existent, which is just bad game design especially for pvp. Maelific rapture should be removed from the game. Just revert destro and affliction to legion version of warlock and give us a bit of modern touch in talent trees. Is there any other class without baseline aoe ability? Like all 3 lock specs have to sacrifice significant single target talent choises to get any form of aoe, literally.


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