Whatever you did to Blitz, change it back

Congratulations, you ruined the only relatively fun bracket in the game.

Whatever you did to ‘prioritise higher quality matches’ with ‘minimal impact on queue times’ has had the direct opposite effect on both ends.

The glaringly obvious first issue is still comp imbalance. 30 minute queues for flag maps where the enemy has 3 viable flag carriers and my comp does not even have 1. DPS setups where you are completely countered both offensively and defensively by spec design.

Next, why are 1800 rated players in 3k - 3300 MMR lobbies? I am sitting 30 minute queues, and for 3 games in a row, I have had at least 2 players, maximum 3, at no higher than 1900 CR, with a maximum of 50 games played and still wearing green gear. Meanwhile, the enemy team has everybody at at least 2400 CR. While that’s still much lower than the MMR, it is much better to have fully geared, okay rated players, than players at sub 2k playing at an MMR which is the top 0.1-1%.

If by ‘higher quality’, you meant ‘making everybody else play their own characters at a flawless level as well as babysitting people playing in a lobby that they shouldn’t be in’, then congrats, you did your job.

If that wasn’t your aim, revert the changes you made.




For your issue of low CR mixed with high CR: it’s that CR gains are so pathetic (+17 or so per win) it takes a fk ton of games for CR to reach MMR

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Players with a 60% win rate from 60 games should not be at 3K + MMR.



The only thing I can tell with your example is that the player should move up

They should move up but not be at an MMR where the figure for that MMR is in the top 0.1%.

Do you genuinely think a 60% win rate at 1900 cr from 60 games warrants being placed in lobbies at the top 0.1% of the ladder?

Even being as little as 150/200 MMR higher than your CR often results in a -0 if you lose.

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Well sure it happens and if they underperform they will be lowered to sub 2k if they cannot maintain themselves there :person_shrugging:

I don’t see where you’re going with that

If Blizzard is not willing to make CR go faster toward the MMR, what about capping MMR to CR + 300 (after placements) for example until the player has consistently proven they outskill their opponents?

Absolutely beyond the point. By this logic, if you win a few solo shuffle lobbies in a row you should shoot to the top end of the game and then if you can’t maintain that level you’ll just drop off?

Yep, that’s more like it. I don’t think people should be placed in lobbies any more than 200 MMR higher than what their CR is.

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I stopped playing the game after this great patch. There is no point. But honestly I believe its more related to the fact that nobody plays the game anymore. I still get trash setups, so this changed little to nothing, but queues are insane. Even healers have queues now. So I would say it might be caused the lack of ppl in general. If I wait 30 mins to get 7 warriors in my games, including ppl with no cr, no gear, no xp on 2500 mmr, something is wrong.
On top of this, once you get into higher mmr, you cant even play the game outside of a window of like 3 hours a day, because the high mmr games just dont exist outside of evenings and you get into hundreds of mmr games bellow your cr, so paying sub for a month and being able to play like 1/10 of it at best sounds ridiculous as well.

It’s just not populair.
People stopt playing it the moment they removed the MMR cap from solo shuffle.
A game mode where individual input matters way more then in blitz.
The stats speak for them self, last 24 hours.
Blitz Total games played : 34.6K
Solo Total games played : 233.4K

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i like blitz but i dont think i will go out of 1600 bracked.
games played 128 and only win 54

every game i have afking russians / healers with green items / people completing weekly pvp quest / people dgaf .

maby i belong in this bracket with these people ?
and forced loser queues/ape teams

im obviously not the best player :smiley: but situations like this dont help me either …
u cant win some matches even if you ninja cap objective or waste time of enemies alot

Solo Shuffle was more played than Blitz even when Blitz had 5 minute max queues and Solo Shuffle was capped at 2200 MMR.

Even now, the highest rated Blitz players are 3400, pushing 3500, and the highest rated Shuffle player is 2700. The uncapped MMR is irrelevant.

‘Games played’ is a pretty dishonest metric here, especially when Solo Shuffle has 6 players whereas Blitz has 16, and games of Blitz tend to be longer than a Solo Shuffle lobby, too.

Solo Shuffle is also much more convenient for people to play to gear their alts, especially healers, who can spam instant queues.


Wasted 3hrs today trying to get to 1800. I lost 6 out of 6 games because every single team I got had 4-6 people farming HKs in the middle while totally ignoring bg objectives. What the actuall f is going on today!?

Yeah today is quite a grief-fest for me as well :expressionless: even on 2.5k+ mmr

I have a holypaladin at 2100-2300 and play calmly there. When I create a new paladin I can’t get out of 1500-1600, the players are so bad that I can’t get away from them. I don’t have the carry potential like monk or rogue. I’m more worried This

I just played an eye of the Storm at 3.1 MMR and had a MW with half his gear greens, however had a positive win-ratio, so I’d assume he is an overall good player, in which he played well in that match in the sense of reaction and positioning, but it suggests to me that whoever has a decent win streak, his/her MMR might just skyrocket a bit too much?

Matchmaking algorithm still at its infancy.

Ha, I thought that was bad. Players with 12 games, green gear and no enchants are now being put in my 3k+ lobbies.

What a disaster.

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