What's all the fuss about PvP?

Yeah, DH’s have good burst in a relatively short time window, but what use is it when you can’t hit anyone with it?

Levelling my DH and playing lots of bg’s, I spend most of the games either stunned or perma-snared and our de-root is on a 25 second cd, which means any ranged that has a clue can kite you all day with spammable snares/roots.

I just don’t get it. The only class with worse mobility is ret palas. Stop balancing the game around arenas/solo shuffle.


Arenas are the issue, not BGs. The damage is too much, survivability is too much

Survivability is too much? Bubble, insta heals to full or 50% health and healing on demand basically…

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You probably have wrong talents or not gotten them yet because DH’s mobility is high at max level.

even outside their burst, its still 2x the damage any other spec. they still need nerfing after this week.

Bubble on a 5min cd that every other arena someone can remove in 2 seconds

You mean sacrificing all damage during wings to beg for wog crits with no MS effect to actually outheal someones 100k dps/sec burst?

You are clueless on how rets work. If they one shot you, you are the problem. Squishiest most immobile melee class atm is ret paladin

What about Enh Shamans? They either deal dmg or heal, trade off like pretty much most of the hybrid classes. And squishiest class in PvP is Shamans actually, especially Enhancement.

Bubble can be removed ONLY by Warrior and Priest no one else can remove that.

Warrior and priest, that happen to be in 80% of arenas since that’s always the meta. So yes, its removed every time.

I have only done PvP in Dragonflight so far, and in all my arena matches, on both my classes (Survival Hunter / Assassination Rogue), Havoc Demon Hunter is the only class to regularly dish out twice as much damage as all other classes. I play 2v2s with a healer, and he can literally see all DH+healer comps have a healer that is relaxing because the DHs self healing takes care of most of the sustained pressure, so he only jumps in during other classes burst windows, while my healer has to literally pop everything to keep me or himself alive. It is like fighting someone who has a constant burst window for 5min, while at the same time being one of the tankiest melee dps speccs. (Sources here: https://youtu.be/7HCZcCqnNNk)

Nah, it’s not. It definitely needed some tone downs and it got it. Now, it’s in a balanced state.

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was the case in bfa and shadowlands, not anymore
DH have a slow from the throw glaive now and with a 8s cd felrush(even with a 10seconds cd) u cant ever kite it

Thing is - DH is melee that has very limited ways to deal with roots (and only with magical ones) and roots are more crippling for the that for any other melee.

As DH if you can’'t hit the enemy you:

  1. Don’t do meaningful damage.
  2. Don’t heal from leech or generate soul shards.
  3. Can’t pick up already generated soul shards - you might litterally die stanting couple yards from full heal.
  4. Can’t use mobility for offence or defence (los).
  5. cant use invulnerability frames of Meta (because it also counts as moblilty).

And I suspect that this weakness is intentional design choice.

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rogue has 1m sprint
dk has 1m sprint
dh has 1m reverse
ww has 30s freedom
arms has 1m bladestorm/1.5m avatar
feral reshifts

dh’s breaking out of roots mechanic is on part with the most melees

dont go on me with that boi i played dh for 2 weeks and i 1v2ed wallirik/xot in s2 shadowlands just dont please

is there any way i as an aff can root dh? no
is there any way i can kite dh as an aff? no
do i survive anyone’s damage if i dont kite as an aff? no

question is as follows - do i survive even a 1400 rated dh which presses random buttons? no because he smacks me while having passive barkskin against any magic damage meanwhile always playing glimpse(randomly activating it but anyway) and reverse

oh and i can definetely tell u - there are no class in this game that can kite DH
i killed restodruids 1v1 in 1 minute in shadowlands because i was on top of them 100% of the time(even without the glaive slow and with the 10s cd felrushes imagine that)
the only thing they could do were stomp/clone or bash/clone but i played rele vs them and bash could be dodged with blur

so here is the conclusion - roots arent more creepling to dh than to any other melee and u cant go on like this pretending there is a way to kite a dh because there is none now


Rogues also have 1 or 2 charges of Vanish and Cloak of Shadows.
DK have Grip and Abomination Limb which works like reverse mobility against roots.
WW 30 sec freedom, reverse magic and mobility that rivals that of DH.
Feral essentially immune to roots and snares at cost of GCD.
Arms yep Bladestorm and Avatar and similar mobility with 2 charges and leap.

To be fair Affly vs. DH is bad matchup just because of Reverse Magic.

That being said - locks have insane CC chains, good short CD defensives that works even while CCed, 30 sec 40 yard mobility that ignores LoS and Casting Circle that allows them Freecast stacked Life Drain to heal and deal damage in the same time.

Between those tools Affly is far from helpless against DH.

My advice - use pillars and LoS more, Fel Rush is much worse in those circumstances goes too far.

And yes - you’r not supposed to kite DH all the time by design - they do not heal or do damage outside of melee they supposed to have reasonable uptime. If you deny it to them - it will be hard to call balance.

could you please elaborate insane cc chains as affli would be appreciated

poor DHs cant reach any target in 1 second? wait they can

can not be talented as playing without precognition, 3x unstables or rapid contagion is unviable

imagine denying uptime to a dh
dude as a dh i can tell u there is no way people leave my melee when i dont want them to lmao

thanks appreciate it especially pillar humping vs any non braindead dh with atleast half their braincells alive to allow them to line literally any cast i do with either sidestepping or felrushing

yes i understand people at ur rating dont use pillars to their advantage but at mine they do

see ur clueless how things are being played out in df
i dont care about their reverse anymore as my soulrot is 20s cd i care about their uptime on me(100%) and their passive tankiness vs magic damage (-16% tatoos plus reverse plus leech plus demon procs plus random glimpses plus reverse which doesnt remove agony/PS but still requires me to recast ua corruption on them)

Still op as fk. Arenas are 50% dh

from my experience it’s all arms war/x and assa/x

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