Whats at 120?

Hey guys, and I know this may sound like a dumb question, but where do I start when I hit 120?
Is it something to do with Sylvanas, or Magni the dwarf?

Grats on 120!

Now it gets confusing!

Endgame is like an entirely different game from levelling. Same characters, same world, same classes and abilities. Very different reasons and methods to do things.

It really IS confusing. It’s not you; it’s the game.

For your question, both Magni and Sylvanas (and that annoying plonker Nathanos - is there anyone whose face you’d rather punch?) Magni specialises in upgrading your Heart of Azeroth and finding new developments in the world. Sylvanas is all about the war with the Alliance. And Nathanos is a very annoying choremaster.

When you are 120 with very low ilevel gear, like ilevel 280, you are VERY WEAK. Things will get easier as you earn gear, but it is tough at the start. By ilevel 340 you should be starting to have some breathing room, and when you get over 400 you will be quite comfortable.

Eventually, you will have to find the mix of activities you enjoy, and can deal with, for yourself. However, whatever you choose, you will start the same way, and I list the steps below.

Hitting 120 is confusing … very confusing. Of all the expansions, BfA is by far the most confusing to hit max in.

You will want to do at least some basic PvE to get going. Or buy a boost to get gear.

Here are some objectives at 120:

  1. World Quests

Open World Quests and get the Flight Master’s Whistle. The quest is Uniting Zandalar, which you will find on the Ship. You need to get all three zones to Friendly rep. You also need to do the demonstration of Island Expeditions,a nd finish getting your three Footholds on the enemy territory, if you haven’t already.

In your case, from your armoury now, you need to do more quests in Nazmir to get your Talanji’s Expedition rep up to Friendly.

World Quests will get you gear and resources and Artefact Power. The gear is calibrated to your current ilevel. It gives you gear at or above your current level, up to 415-420. Each day there will be an Emissary to do 4 quests for a faction for a bigger reward, gear up to 445.

  1. Flying (Pathfinder)

The devs spawned this twisted, misbegotten mutant of a system a couple of expansions ago when they were caught short on their promises. You have to do a completely irrelevant laundry list of absurd things to earn flying, but if you want to fly, it’s the only way. Here’s a guide:

  1. (Patch 8.2) Nazjatar

There will be a quest for you to go with the fleet and end up in Nazjatar. You have to do this to unlock Essences, which are modules that slot into your Heart of Azeroth. You do want them. Naz had decent enough gear last patch, but AFAIK even beginning World Quests will probably gear you faster now.

Stay there at least until you get your first Essences.

  1. (Patch 8.3) Visions

You will be summoned to Orgrimmar, where you will be shown a report of Wrathion’s arrival. Wrathion will meet you and take you on a series of quests that lead to your Legendary Cloak. This will open Visions and Assaults.

OK, when you’re done with all that, you are up to date with the expansion, (YAY!) and even without any dungeons or LFR, your ilevel will probably be around 440-450, enough that you will not drop dead of fright when an enemy player looks at you in a BG.

  1. Mythic-Plus

Now you want to do some M+ dungeons for more gear.


You will no doubt have more, specific, questions. Ask again when you have those!


Thank you for the most informative, and yet consise answer.
It has led me to more adventure searching for upgrades, on both islands. Thank you. :smiley:

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I’m happy it helped!

Please ask again when you have more questiions. :slight_smile:

120 is where the other 75% of the game is, levelling is not the be all and end all, it’s just a small amount of the game.

Yeah, at the moment it’s loads of fun, figuring things out for my big peeps, as well as the levellers (five 120’s now, and about the same to get from anywhere between 118 and 105).
But one thing is Etrigg on the battleship in zandlar port won’t let me go any further untill I visit five islands, I’ve figured its not just five of the 6 zones in Zuldalar or Kul tiras.
Where should I be looking?

Oh, don’t worry too much about that.

What he means are Island Expeditions, the three-man scenarios that you queue up for at a tent on the right of the docks as you come from Dazar.

The only thing locked behind those are the little buffs you get. The 50-islands thing and subsequent perks don’t affect your power or progress in any way.

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