What's going on here?

I’m an OG vanilla player and always PvP’ed. I came back to try the new Exp and just had a super weird encounter.

I was minding my own business leveling my Fury Warr (62 at the time), when a level 61 SP decided to take a pop at me. This is what baffles me… I popped every single CD, but I for the life of me couldn’t take his HP down at all. I do have questing gear, but the fight felt severely one sided. I have no clue how I couldn’t touch his HP. Is Fury in a bad state? Is it my gear?

This is the current “balance” with some classes. In the same way a DH completely obliterated by shaman.

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A lot of people have high ilevel PvP gear from shadowlands. Around level 60 the benefits of such gear are absolutely insane in comparison with greens you get from quests.

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Fury is not in a bad state, but ilvl makes a huge difference and low level PvP has always had these kind of situations. Just get to max level, gear up and things will be fine.

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