Full disclosure, sorry for the long post.
For most of my life I played on private servers, simply because I was too young/didnt have stable income to afford to play official servers.
On those servers, I participated in many professions and most people who I have spoken to say that the respawn rates/gather methods was basically the same as it was on blizzard, during that time so I thought that farming might be similar here.
Cut to now, I leveled a hunter and after a raid where my dps was decent but nothing impressive, I decided to level engineering for the sweet 359 head and other bonuses the profession provides.
Engineering is leveled by either purchasing ores/bars/parts or farming for them yourself.
I decided that, since I am scant broke and unwilling to buy gold, I would just level up mining alongside my engineering.
I was able to find all nodes up to Outland with relative ease, never seeing anyone else farming for them, but when I did make it to Outland… things changed. For the worse.
Where earlier I could farm around 100 Thorium in about 30 minutes (once again, no one else was really farming for it and I didn’t expect to keep up at that pace), I would now regularly see bots doing nothing but patrolling the same areas alongside other players. These players may be in the same situation as I, or simply trying to capitalize on 14 GOLD PER FEL IRON BAR cost, to sell on the AH.
I managed to slough my way through the Fel Iron madness, hoping that it would get better simply because fel iron is pretty much found in abundance only in Hellfire while Adamantium can be found pretty much everywhere else in Outland. How wrong I was.
I flew through most of Outland and across 4 zones, not counting hellfire, and I found 6 nodes. Not 6 Adamantium, 6 nodes TOTAL. I will not claim bots, as I only saw a SINGLE bot during that time (mined one of the nodes).
The only reason I managed to get through Adamantium was because of a vague comment on reddit mentioning Mana-Tombs. I hit 350 Engineering and I breathed a sigh of relief after what felt like 20 runs.
I headed off to Northrend, a hopeful young man. My hope was soon destroyed. I flew across 4 zones; Howling Fjord to Borean Tundra. What do I have to show for it?
14 cobalt ore. I crossed 4 zones and i found 5 nodes.
I did not see any bots/any other players farming.
Is this normal? Am I as a player just supposed to accept this? This absolute waste of time? I logged into a Private server and it took me 10 minutes to get a stack of cobalt ore while there was (according to the website) 12000+ players on the server.
If the problem is bots; quadruple the spawns/set respawn rates to 1/4 and make all ore vendor for 1 copper. Yes, you will flood the market for a few months, but you will completely decimate the botters as their gold farming method will vanish. That solution took me 10 seconds to come up with. Can nothing be done about this? At all?
I don’t know the state of the other professions or what the spawns look like in Cata regions and at this point I’m doubting I’m even going to continue playing if this doesn’t change soon.
Edit: posted with wrong char. Sorry…