What's going on with Pet Battle in Azj-Kahet?

I’m trying to get the Family achievement for doing all the Tamers with all the different breeds. I have all the tamers done in all the achievements except the one in City of Threads, who is never there.

I don’t remember a WQ tamer being this elusive in the past. I know RNG is RNG but perhpas it shouldn’t be left to pure RNG. These should be on a rota or something. And to be this elusive it probably isn’t pure RNG in anycase, they’re likely trottling the numbers to slow things down a bit.

Is it this one?

Says to me it’s “EU Realms: Available 2 hrs, 25 min”

No, It Ziriak. It’s in the City of Threads (so I missed it for a while at the start of the expac) as I didn’t click into that zone on the map at first. But I’ve been checking in there for a good while now and not seen it in weeks. I was away last weekend so might have missed it then. But a WQ shouldn’t be so elusive that a weekend away means you don’t see it for weeks.