What's going on with Reps just now

I have an alt on Timeless isle killing rares for Going to Need a Bigger Bag achievement (been working on this for years).
I just killed Cinverfall (for whatever he drops, can’t remember but I’ll know it when I see it) and got 320 rep.

The is multiples of what I was getting a few days ago.

Is there a rep event? Is it MOP only (perhaps related to remix)?
I don’t have a buff saying “Winds of Wisdom” or whatever.

If you are on remix it’s been buffed lately.
If you are on retail maybe the buff leaked into retail.


Ye they buffed rep by 700% xdd You also get tons of bronze daily now so you can probably finish going to need a bigger bag in remix in a day xd

I’m not on remix, I didn’t fancy it.
I enjoyed MOP first time round and that’s how I’ll remember it.

So it could be an undocumented feature in Retail. I already have this rep exalted on a different character so won’t be farming it.
Although as it is a benefit to players it’s likely to be called a bug and fixed in minutes.
If it hindered players it would remain an undocumented feature and be added to the will fix one day (when the mountains fall into the sea) list.

Edit: I suspect that Bigger Bag won’t work with Bronze bought items. The pets (Death Adder Hatching, Dandy Frollicker etc.) didn’t count if bought off AH.

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It’s probably a mistake that had (as another said) leaked over from a recent Remix update.

I expect it to be patched quickly - take advantage of it now. Thanks for letting us know. :wink:

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Fill your boots.
Though they’ll likely undo any gains if they feel it’s been exploited.

I already have Emperor Shohoa at Exatled (all the MOP reps even).
Think I stopped with getting all the reps in BFA, So I don’t have ranjani or the Uldum one at exalted.
There were just too many reps per expansion. with time gated events and slowness of intediation.


Doubt it’s a mistake. Just like how MoP lockouts are daily now as well in Retail, it’s the same client.

Don’t think Blizz really cares about the gain in Retail, literally has no impact on anyone for such old trivial content.

If Cata got a 700% rep buff I might actually finish that Ravenholdt rep for my Insane title.
I only need about 18,000 rep for exalted. But it’s only available from lockboxes which are tedious to pick.

Emperor Shaoao?

Yeah, believe so.

wow. this is one of the few rep i dont have in game. Its so boring and long that i gave up even in remix. but if they buffed it i could reprise.

If you bought that item that gives you increased rep oon alts that will be why.

I did buy those back in MOP times.
So this won’t have changed in the last few days. I think the Remix buff is more likely.

Good time to go get MOP Diplomat or whatever.

It could be deemed an exploit then, I’d be careful myself. Generally if something seems too good to be true, I avoid it like the plague.

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Cheers Puny, so it’s only for Emperor Shaohao.
Not sure if it happening on Retail is intended or not though.

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Remix seems to have knock on effects in Retail. I’m guessing it’s all the same coding and we are kind of instanced.


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Do you have you Wrathion Cloak to get to Ordos area?
That’s where the rep really is. Run around there zotting everything that moves and you’ll be exalted in half an hour.

the problem are the groups goin there and tagging elites. And bein an alt maker all my alts are too weak to solo.
But this eve ill begin a new assa gilnean who i hoper will accomplish the most elusive rep ever (shaoao!)