What's happened to common courtesy in dungeons?

In PUG groups they simply just want to complete the dungeon to either level or complete a quest or to simply get an achievement, they have no intention of being friends or caring.

I too usually will say hello to people in dungeons, whether they say hello or not back I do think the behavior you are describing is just simply how some gamers are nowadays. They really do not care or they are too busy to care and they want to complete a task and then move on.

Common courtesy has been upgraded over the years. Blizzard decided to make it Rare, then Epic and now it’s Legendary Courtesy. Very very unusual to see it nowadays so you’re lucky if you get some. It is craftable though so you can make your own. It’s also possible to give it to others so you can pass it on. Can’t sell it on the AH though.


Play classic. LFG destroyed the community and everything with it.

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as someone who leveled 46 alts over last years i can assure you this is nothing new.

dungeons were impresonal for better part of past 10 years now.

leveling is simply taking to long to be fun at this point.

imo they should remodel it completly - they should cut down leveling time of 1-100 to max 6-8 hours and instead put rewards like pets/mounts /transmog sets for completing stuff like loremaster / dungeon master of each expansion and each individual zone while making them scale to 100.

you will be so dissapointed with classic .

once you realise how toxic and abusive people will be for slightest mistake in dungeons .

just wait and see.


this newer generation is the generation of mememe, get over it and just look down on them with disgust and treat em like the trash they are. Leveled plenty of alts and its never been more silent and childish and sometimes nasty than its ever been. Hey ho, trash are trash and that’s all

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who hurt you so bad?

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THey are all a bunch of Elitist Jerks.

Noone Greets you, and dont be a lvl 106 Char joining a Timewalking, they will just kick you and say’’ ooh i thought you are afk’’ or’’ your attitude’’

Just the otherday Three C-words from Kazzak, i have their C-word names written down, kicked me saying’’ your attitude’’ ? And thats it? They where just angry that i at lvl 106 was kicking their behinds in DPS.

My attitude was saying, Hai, Lets pull more shall we? and thats it.
I re-subbed about 15 days ago, i barely played sub runs out in 15 days and i wont be back,


to be honest, this behaviour is not only in game, go out look arround and se how many people behave in real life, it can be realy nasty once you realice how bad society has become now.


Imagine you are on classic, no rio, no GS, no IL, how do you think people knew who are they getting into group ?

Thats right, they had no idea.
Joke about “I have girlfriend on another realm” is about these people, who were promising they had 5 full T3 chars, but not here

So you take bunch of completely random people, you have no idea about their capabilities (I cant even count how many times I got random invite for dungeon just because I was at right level or near meeting stone).

WIth this completely random group you go one of those glorified classic dungeons, there is another thread running how classic dungeons are cool because they take half a year to complete.

So you have completely random group, doing content that will take you hour at least, all this during leveling where you just want to be max level and do content that actually matters, and you want to tell me, you believe there was not a single ragequit, no flaming, no kicks without reason ?

People who think classic was some stroll through ponyville where everyone was instantly friend with everyone and person you met once during leveling became your future spouse, are either lying or never played classic …


But this is kind of a fallacy… You see, a lot of people (dare I even say ‘most’?) were indeed being responsive ONLY because they were scared of the repercussions. They weren’t really friendly, just pretending to be. Much like irl. :no_mouth:

True. It just was a lot more rare because people were more forced to play with guildies and/or friends because finding a random group required a lot of extra work (and it was devastating if it fell apart once started; you had to go back to town to yell some more).

I find myself guilty of not talking in dungeons, usually because if I do say anything like “hello” or any sort of conversation starter, the dps have already run off ahead and no-one replies so I tend not to speak anymore, which of course only exacerbates the problem.
Sometimes I can’t even loot because the dps are gogogogo. #TankLife


I agree… it’s the same people from current wow going there…


To be honest the community in WoW ain’t much different from the community outside WoW. There’s plenty of nice, honest, friendly and respectable people both in and out of the game regardless which game you acctually plays. But at the same time there’s also “bad people” and just people who pass by.

Dungeons are treated just like any formal event in real life. People meet, perhaps greet and fullfills a function and then go on with their lives. Some people you liked, others you didn’t like, some you remember others you won’t. Nothing is really different from real life…

So if you genuinely want a social experience you simply have to offer yourself up more and hope it “clicks”, some people might be annoyed at you others will really like you. It’s like real life in that regard.


You think people are going to change their nature because the LFG tool isn’t there?
You’re a fool to think that.


people generally change their behavior depending on social situation so yeah its definitely possible


It’s possible ofcourse, but I didn’t really notice this “social decline” as a result of the systems themselves. WoW’s demographic has changed multiple times since “back in the old days”. I noticed most of the social changes when the new generation came into gaming aka. the kids who lived and breathed internet, social media and streamer culture.

I’m close to forty and I bet most old timers are at least close to their thirties now. We had a whole different mind set in online games. The new generation is all about being “edgy” and “efficient”, so ofcourse this is reflected into the game itself regardless of the systems in place.


there is already a fully functional dungeon io addon for classic and without doubt it will include some form of gearcore so …ye …

2004 is not coming back

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Of course they do but they eventually revert to type. After 10 years of screaming “gogogogogogo” people can be nice for a while but eventually old habits will kick in.

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I take those extra 15 secs to type “Hello peeps” and “Thx happy leveling”. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest what other people do. If people are silent, it’s their choice, not mine.