I don’t know about you guys but Im always Courteous when pugging a dungeon. Always say hello at the start always help out where I can if someone’s struggling and I’m the one who stays behind when the rest tele out and back in to the start to hand in quests and usually there’s some form of reciprocation or common courtesy a thank you of sorts.
But over the past few weeks I’ve been leveling a couple of new alts and so far there’s been no politeness no consideration no acts of kindness. Everyone just seems hell bent to get what they want and as soon as they have it it’s a case of “forget the rest of yeah I’m off” this seems to have gotten alot more common place in bfa what’s happend to the community have I just been unlucky or is this what wow has started to become.
Seems many “gamers” nowadays go by that metric. They turn the game into a job on comission.
It appears their motto is “FYIGM”
No such thing ever existed …
Well yeah, many players atm really focus on just getting it done since they’ve probably done the dungeons alot of times already.
However we are trying to revive the social aspect in the game by launching a community, it’s basically a chill community that hopes to provide something for all different kinds of players and be a place to just casually chat with other players and group up to do any activity you want.
You would probably find players to team up with that are quite social here 
Here’s a link for the community, we aren’t many now but we’ll try to gather a lot of players and try to add in a social aspect to the game.
I’m leveling a warlock, I say hello, no one replies. The dps warrior body pulls something, I go to help him, no one else cares, we die and walk from the start.
People sometimes vote kick for no serious reason and some can get mad for 1 wipe, insult people’s mothers and leave the group.
Leveling is fun =D
If you have a Horde side character, give Zen Horde a try as Hinata says. It’s a relaxed friendly group.
I don’t know, I don’t feel obligated too 90% of the time its people who either simply can’t speak English or effectively are mutes themselves. Everyone is there under the same circumstance, level. Talk with the guy you’re likely playing with in VC. thats it really?
- generally I’ve never had a pleasent experience with randoms either due to x-reasons, especially at end game. Hence things like raider .io existing I suppose.
Recently leveled my shaman, i only did a dozen dungeon or less but most of the time people replied to the initial Hello and even sometimes spoke with each others.
I mean i even had a terrible group in the halls of valor (died about 6 times iirc, tank couldn’t hold aggro on mobs, healer seemed to afk when we needed him, dps standing outside the eye of the storm) and yet… No one tried to blame someone else, even joked around when we had to wait for the deads to come back and so on. Took a while but we completed it and parted ways.
I guess it’s only a matter of luck, you may have a smooth or hard run, go go go players or talkative ones.
There’s no black and white situation when you consider the community as a whole.
Courtesy in dungeons stopped existing a long while ago.
Yes but it doesn’t have to be that way you know there are a lot of good communities out there that are social have common sense and are good people in general
like the community me and my friend Anna are making.Its just gamers today have gotten used to the lone wolf kind of lifestyle in game that they have forgotten how to speak normally like for example what I used to hear back before I joined Anna’s community was:Go to hell,idiot and retard and many more insults ppl just speak that way now it’s sad I wish I could wash people’s mouths with
but that would just be assault would it lol.
To be honest i really don’t feel like chatting after a few hours of mindlessly grinding dungeons.
It disappeared slowly after cross-realm dungeons and the LFD/LFR tool came in.
Before if you were a bit of a butthead in a group your reputation would slowly become tarnished on your realm and people wouldn’t wanna group up with you if you were a known ninja-looter, troll or just generally obnoxious.
But as LFD came into the game people slowly noticed that you rarely, if ever, run into the same people often enough for them to take notice of you.
Your reputation doesn’t matter as you’re just thrown into a group anyway.
i mean i’d rather have people be silent than say “hi” and “bye”
feels like forced socialization to me
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That’s good. I do it also. I don’t just run through a dungoen and pay attention to what happens around. If people are struggling with something or not. I also sometimes wait a bit when the dungoen is over just in case someone wants some help.
Gaming community over the years changed unfortunetly. And not only in dungeons. For example when I play a priest I put Power Word: Fortitude on almost every stranger I meet. On this warlock I somtimes just give random stranger a healthstone. That’s how it used to be in this game in the past. But nowadays alsmos noone does it.
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It’s always been like that as far as I can remember with the LFG tool.
It feels weird to me after playing FFXIV the last two years where generally when you join a dungeon everyone will almost always say hello at the start and thank you or gg at the end. Never thought about it before coming back recently.
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Not just many,…most, in fact. FOr that very reason, even classic will by played by a tiny minority once the majority realizes how terribly repetitive and unrewarding the game was, froma technical standpoint.
Yeah, me too.
Not just the past few weeks. Going back to Mists or WoD, I rarely remember courtesy or consideration playing any role in LFD. I mean, yes, it happens, but it’s notable because of its rarity.
After cata people just don’t care about those stuff. People don’t even res if someone die. Most new players just got habit of insta release.
Few changes in recent expansions
Useless HC dungeons
Cross servers
What do you understand as a common courtesy in NM dungeon?
For me it’s a clean and responsible run, when noone expects to be boosted or carried or given all the Lutz cause he is a victim of bad luck.
I don’t like toxic flamers, but I also do not support lazy leaches, who ninja pull or afk or ignore where group goes, but chat for ages about smth or stand silently and look how we clean the pack after pack.
To be frank my opinion that it’s unhealthy for nervs and general good mood to play with most of the randoms at this point.