What's Horde side like?

Pff, your cheese is the worst thing I’ve ever had.

Fake News.

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Yeah if you’re a cyberer stay away from my beautiful faction


See this man (yes I assume gender) right here?

He knows da wae.

And this person right here?

She (Probably a He) doesn’t know da wae.


Why ya be callin’ my name, mon?

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Your name is ‘‘Tewaeh’’, you’re a fraud!

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I don’t think there are actual cyberers in WoW. It’s just a popular setting for trolls.

A She. But I have that nice tail tho.

I’m not into tails, because I’m a basic boring guy.


*i look around confusedly until i spot the hidden camera, then wave *

haha we’ve been punk’d!!!


Hey, thanks for all the feedback. To be honest, I’ve been falling out of love with the Alliance for a while now. So I was mostly wondering what active guilds there are, what races are favoured and what’s going on mostly.

You guys seem nice from what I’ve seen, not that Alliance isn’t nice, but you know what I mean.


Please don’t start again

If you’re looking for an elven guild, I will now take the time to unapologetically push my own guild; epic…!!! Anyhow, The Highblood Myrmidons - of which you can find a guild thread here on the forums if you search up our name - is always recruiting both Blood Elves and Nightborne. We’re a loyalist bunch and serve both the Horde and the respective elven kingdoms as a specialist group.

We’d be more than happy to have someone such as yourself in the guild, so do be sure to keep it in mind

(I, The Prefect, wholeheartedly demand you join us)


Been with Highbloods for a bit now and they’re mega solid rp I would wholeheartedly reccomend it xoxo

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I highly recommend looking into the Highblood’s.

Good quality RP and excellent links between Silvermoon and Suramar.


You know when you’re young, and you’re on the way home from a long day out with the family. You see the McDonalds sign in the distance, you’ve asked a million times before and it’s always “No!” but the hope in your heart never gives out so you ask: “Can we get a McDonalds?”

And for the first time the answer is yes, and everything is great in the world.

Horde side is like this.


Giving this topic a bump 'cause I’m interested to hear what others think of horde RP and it’s atmosphere Vs the alliance after being on the blue side of so long myself

Basically the alliance is as stale as the writing they get right now, while the Horde is as energetic as the writing they get right now.

alliance is for the casuals, Horde (which gets capitalized because it’s cooler!!!) is for wild :poop: and interesting conflict.


I’ve been roleplaying guildless on Horde side for about a year now, and feel there’s always RP to be found if you only put some effort into getting yourself involved. I’ve found it quite easy to get some IC contacts through campaigns and public events, and if people had a positive experience playing with you or just liked seeing you around, my experience is they’re happy to roleplay with you other times too even if you weren’t in their guild.

Atmosphere wise there’s a noticeable divide between pro-Sylvanas and anti-Sylvanas characters, which might be worth considering when thinking about what your character believes in and what consequences it might bring about to your character in roleplay.


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