What's Horde side like?

Hi there, I’m a typically Ally side RPer. But I’m thinking of mixing things up a little by going Horde side.

So my question to you lot is; What’s it like over there? Where’s the RP?

All that good stuff :slight_smile:


Hello there!

Horde RP is quite fun and diverse and you shall find no shortage of RPers willing to engage with you in the evening hours. RP on Horde is mostly guild based, but you can often find people in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar for some casual RP as well! Or in Silvermoon City if you are an elf, as most other races don’t actively hang out there from what I know.

Like the Alliance, the Horde has a large variety of guilds as well, ranging from race-specific to multiracial. Whatever your RP preference is, you can be sure there’s a good guild that would be a good match for your character concept.


A little more immersive than the Alliance from personal experience, if a little more segregated as well.

In Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honor or in guilds.


We have mana bombs.

Where is that nice and polite Night Elf lass that always encourages people to rp on horde

The Horde embodies strength, honour, integrity, self respect, and POWER.

If these are the things you seek, and you wish to be a part of the most powerful conquest on Azeroth, to slaughter the Alliance incursion from the face of the Earthmother (as is our divine RIGHT…) then perhaps you should seek a place with us.

For the Warchief!

For the Horde!


The population of Horde is less. 71% Alliance and 28% Horde according to realmpop.

On Horde you will find alot of shamanistic things (due to what races they got) and of course different roleplay. Oftenly guild based though if you want to take a neutral approach then you can do that too thanks to the cross-faction potion.

Silvermoon, Valley of Honor (Orgrimmar), Booty Bay (for neutral RP) and a few other settlments filled with guilds that just travel around. Razor Hill became recently popular too. Though you can roleplay with Alliance too.

So really, especially since the cross-faction potion, you can roleplay with Horde and Alliance alike since you aren’t restricted anymore to one side.

The Horde has various unique feels to it, in regards to it’s RP.

You’ve got varying guilds that do have differences of feel to them. Blood Elf RP is at an all-time high due to various groups pin-pointing different angles of Sin’dorei society.
We have the Sun Hawks, that embrace a very “Ranger/Farstrider/Dragonhawk rider” thing. We’ve got the Sanguine Eye that takes on a very “TBC/Fel” ideology as well as many others.

Overall, I’d say - play around with what’s an offer on Horde side and see what works for your character.

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Yeah theres also the Highblood Myrmridons who capture the “insufferable see you next Tuesdays” of Belven culture


filth utter filth.

(we’re great)

Got me laughing, nice one


I dont discuss matters of politics with Ebon filth.

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Horde is based af


Alliance share a bond through servitude, whereas the Horde share it through respect and honor.
Which one sounds more appealing to you?


Hello and Welcome to our family in the Horde! :heart:
As said above, mostly guild based

You also have this, it’s very BASED

We are the Horde. Glorious, honorable and cool :slight_smile:

Lok’tar ogar!


It’s a strong and independent faction that need no Alliance.

Horde does not have Goldshire analogue so think twice if you’re into that sort of thing.

As if we needed any more proof of your previous intentions.


The Horde, in game lore and in rp, is a faction where any race, with effort, can rise to the top.

In the Alliance you will see leadership consisting of humans, humans and more humans, where in the Horde you can see Orcs, Tauren, Forsaken, any race, even Pandaren (yeahthatsme) working together with mutual respect.

Strongly recommend.


Best cheese.