What's it like to play vs professional Feral and Arcane as 3k+ Rogue Mage?

It was fun :smiley:

Even if the game is actually super tilting sometimes you can have fun playing into high rated team.

Yep :smiley:

But the amount of boosters is insane. Especially when you face two at the same time in 2s :smiley:

I don鈥檛 play 2s almost but I can feel the pain, most of top player play with viewer around 1k8 to 2k1 these days.

Actually, at least for me the most fun I had is playing VS top rated player cause they respect your stuff and don鈥檛 play randomly.

It seems weird to say but I feel like it鈥檚 fun and at the same time easier to play than usual people pressing every button =D

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