What's preventing a behavior score system from happening?

It is already tough to go through mythic runs in pugs, and that seems to be the main way to run keys for now. If this is the case, why don’t we have a proper behavioral score system similar to that of Dota for instance. Where leavers could receive minus points, and where their total score is visible in the group making function.

Blizzard could also pair that with a concede option, where if the majority in the dungeon sees the run a waste of time it can be conceded, with more weight to the key owner’s voice in this.

These systems aren’t meant to work on the first go, but they could start introducing some positive change to player’s behavior.

I saw on some ex-bliz dev podcast at some point about a really cool system.

He claimed that behavior could be incentivized to “good” if the rewards were tied to how other players perceived you.

So basically, after the dungeon you score your teammates. If the other 4 people in group gave you a negative score you loose rating. If they gave you a positive score you win rating. And if you get 4/4 score, you get x2 or something like that.

And friends (people in guild, community, friendlist) cant vote for you.

Dont know how something like that can be applied to WoW. But its an interesting concept.

Because it would be a crapfest.

Asking “Why did you let the dino eat you twice?” in Atal would get you voted down for daring to criticise massive screw ups.


I get your point. People would troll the hell out of it.

But im curious: How would the answer to “Why did you let the dino eat you twice?” get you closer to timing the key? IMO not really. So why ask?

It was an example, perhaps not the best one. Would it change if I said “you do know how the mechanic works?”

“You were the only person to have a kick up for the party wiping nuke, why didn’t you use it?” Also won’t get you closer to timing this key but maybe it will focus peoples minds in the next one. Now who gets good / bad score? Is the toxic one the one who fudged up the mechanics or the one that pointed it out? It’s in the eye of the beholder.

What if you get a 3k io person in a +10 who doubles everyone elses damage but hes a bit of a douche. Most people will just + them because the did good dps, that has nothing to do with behaviour where he was actually a douche.

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Hm maybe business and money because you will kill the game by auch an stupid idea just because some bad players don’t want to learn their clas

Better example this system would not work for guild groups u say so for premade groups u are in a disadvantage already. Also lets say there are 2 afflicted adds 1 gets dispelled otherone goes off u are in the group: shaman, mage, healer, pala tank. What are u going to do? Give everyone -1 negative vote. M+ is a team player format if 1 guy messes up all messed up. So not this system is bad.

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Maybe M+ is not the right format. But pure LFG content might be a candidate for some system like that.

Dunno… I thought it was an interesting concept. Even if its impossible to apply.

You will get the same result by saying “hide on this side of the pillar” during the fight when someone got eaten. A suggestion that would actually help the player(s), but nobody wants to hear it.

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Personally I don’t do that. I do only 2 things:

Keys > 20 where I assume people know their mechanics. And if they dont well… not timed and next key.

Keys < 20 where its a complete yolo (myself included). So I say nothing. Just having fun here.


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Having a behavioural scoring system didn’t stop people from criticising the lack of hero/role knowledge in Dota, but it did allow clear cases of toxic behaviour to be punished one way or another.

But yeah, I think for the case of wow the incentive to be a nice player should be more tied to reward than punishment given the monthly subscription.

Supply and demand.

Most things in WoW started as addons from players cause they wanted something, that being gear score first, rio later.

Blizzard does not want to interfere in the community, and if you think that a behavior score would help the game, the tools are available to make the addon.

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