What's the best beverage for playing WoW?

This is how you get urinary infections, those things are unsanitary.


mmmmmm anything that will heal me for 100% and give me a [good buzz buff] :tm:

I love an ice cold glass of water, with lots of ice cubes to chew on after :smiley:

For WoW? Schnapps and Lemonade with ice, nice and sweet.

Tea in the morning.
Coffee in the afternoon.
Wine or Gin in the evening.

That’s 3 of my “5 a day” right?

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I usually like sipping on a coffee while playing.

Cracking open a cold one is also nice.

Water. Generally best drink for any kind of gaming is water.

Water? Oh yeah, I remember that… it’s a mixer, you have it with Whiskey!


Are you all serious, guys? Hot chocolate, milk, tea, coffee, cola… Are you all kids? I cant play a game nor live without rakia, beer, wine or some other alcohol in my blood 24/7 + cigarettes.

Water is for washing or cleaning plates, not for drinking. I take my water from beer and my vodka/rakia salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, etc.). Its enough to keep me alive.

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Being a kid =/= Bad, I know you attempt to troll, but being a kid is not an argument in that favor :smiley: It’s even better if they tackle the game with a kid innocence ! It’s cute.

Welcome to the internet, where being a kid is an offence :smiley: :smiley:

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Im serious in this thread. I cant live without alcohol.

But about kids… :smiley: I dont get why ppl in games use “kid” as insult. So… if you are not a kid, you are an adult and you gonna die earlier than that kid, hehe. I dont find why its insulting to be a kid. Damn old guys… they think they are special, but all of them want to be kids again.

As long as it is with moderation :+1: And that’s coming from a Dwarf !


What’s wrong with tea? I don’t mean that herbal rubbish, I’m talking about a nice hot brew.

Though a good smirnoff can be nice on the weekends.

Coffee, black and strong without sugar.

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Oooh that’s a good questio- wait… one? Just one? Seriously?!


You do know where that comes from right??

As for me;
Coffee or Jack Daniels (if I’m in LFR)

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Pepsi Max Cherry is my all time favorite drink.
But sometime I like orange or pineapple juice.

I always have a bottle of peach flavored sparkling water too.

I don’t drink when playing WoW.

Usually green tea or black tea with milk and sugar. In the evening a beer or 3 :smiley: :rofl: