What's the best beverage for playing WoW?

Tea is kinda replacement for alcohol :slight_smile: I drink tea sometimes. It makes my brain spin too. Herbal strong tea.

You mean the small ones 330 ml? :open_mouth: I cant start my day without bulgarian 2 litres beer 5.0 acl proof.

0:20 min - take a look of the bulgarian beer bottles.

Hot chocolate is nice.

As someone who grew up in Denmark, I have been subjected to common, danish drinking.

If I were also drinking alcohol while gaming then I would reach levels beyond even the worst of alcoholics.

Mountain Dew Code Red and Dr Pepper Cherry Vanilla. Not mixed together of course… although now I think about it I should try that. :smirk_cat:

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Pfanner Peach Ice tea is my drink of choice aside from a big glass of water with ice cubes in it.

I’d gladly drink soda but I simply do not enjoy the selection I have to choose from here in the North of Sweden… Oh well, water’s healthier anyway. :3

Those too. Sadly I smoke too much when I play WoW …or in general.


Well… French researchers are saying nicotine and cigarettes block the coronavirus to get your lungs. Maybe smoking is a good thing after all :stuck_out_tongue: Just 5% of the coronavirus patients are smokers. Google it.

Espressos is kinda hardcore to down in masses though :stuck_out_tongue:
Some times I do drink decaf.
But your right. I am trying to lower my ammount of coffee and have this idear of herbal tea and Matcha… but still it remains at the idear :stuck_out_tongue:

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Aye, when I need to unwind I visit Goldshire Inn for some cheap ale and a tavern wench.

It used to be solid amounts of alcohol, beer, whiskey, rum, wine etc. but i’ve been trying to change my bad habits, so for the last year it’s been mostly tea :slight_smile: with an occasional coffee or fizzy orange.

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Who said drinking alcohol is a bad habit? You listen to the guys who brainwash you? Are the “gods” and “heaven” real too?

Even dinosaurs back then and the current animals eat fermented fruits just to take some alcohol from it. Alcohol is actually good for your health and your mind and sanity.

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Holding chicken leg in one hand and play is precious, and then grab beer and drink

Yes. But I can’t stop drinking the delicious ooze.

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I see that the requirements for MVP don’t include good taste in Alcohol.


While in a raid or arena and can’t get up it will have to be a bear Grylls style drink :face_vomiting:

Good for sanity, eh? So drinking alcohol will help me with horrific visions then? Good to know… :crazy_face:


Plain ol’ tap water for me, with maybe a soya milk hot chocolate as well.

I’m blown away by how many people just drink water.

You boring (but very healthy) sods.

That junk have more cholesterol than mayo lard cocktail

Usually play during weekends, so it’s cola for me if it’s in the middle of the day or whiskey in the evening.

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