What's the best computer build for WoW?

Currently I have gtx 970, 8gb ram, and i7 smthng with the fan k thing but whenever I log in i have to wait like 5 minutes for everything to fully load, and after that whenever Im fighting, I have to wait 3 minutes for spells to appear and nameplates to show up. Not to mention loading in arenas when theres 10 seconds left…
I even lowered my settings and this still happens. I can run other games such as witcher gta v at almost max settings but “WoW” the game people said u can run with a toaster, this happens :frowning:

So I’m wondering what’s the best set up graphics card, ram, cpu etc for wow? To have like more than 70+ frames in combat at least etc

Something must be really wrong with your system or software.
My old PC has a GTX 970 and an old I5-3570K@4,2Ghz with 16GB of DDR3 2133 RAM.
I even tried the Shadowlands beta (the maw etc) and can easily quest at 60 FPS at setting 7 in 1080P.

Long loading times usually mean your HDD is slooow, do you not have a SSD in your system?
If not, then try replacing or adding a SSD first, it will reduce your loading times to seconds and the pop-in will be gone.
You can get a 500GB SSD for around 50€ or less.

I do have an ssd ill move wow there but what about the fps drops, is it also because of my HDD? Do you know how can i check if my system has anything wrong in it or not? Cheers

Well you should check if the temperatures of your CPU and GPU are in the normal range under load (while gaming), that means between 50 and 80° usually.
Also check if the CPU and GPU are running at full speed or if they are downclocking (because of high temps etc).

Then you can check which apps are running in the background (open taskmanager) and if they are using up too much RAM or CPU cycles.

Since you only have 8GB of RAM you should close your browser and other stuff that you don’t really need when playing.

And last but not least, update your addons in WoW and disable those that you don’t need. Especially Weakauras can cause stuttering if not optimized.

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Ok will try, thx for the help :slight_smile:

Managed to get a 1tb ssd used for £20 yesterday. Made sure it worked but haven’t installed bnet on it yet. I assume I just copy the files from hdd to ssd and just change the file paths on the desktop and app?

Yes, you move WoW folder, then you run BNet - it will likely yell it can’t find wow (or will display install button) - you go to Bnet settings and select the path where wow is. Done.

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Cheers bigkeg, thought that was the case. Time to properly fit the ssd and pray lol. Hopefully a bit of an improvement.
Edit: made mistake of just copying instead of actually moving the game folder, now rectified

if i do that, will all my weak auras/addons be in place ? Like working in their same position? Thanks

Some settings are stored in wow WTF subfolder so if you move wow it will move. Same for addon files. Some other settings/user files are stored in Windows user folder which doesnt move in this case.

Nothing should break.

OP you should not move the folders around as that is not ideal.

  1. Windows 10 has to be installed on your SSD.
  2. WoW has to be installed onto the SSD.

Do NEVER just drag files around as that way you are not optimising the SSD fully.
If you’re scared about your addons just copy out your WTF, Cache and Interface folder, then uninstall the game and install it again on the SSD. Also make sure that 30% of the SSD is always free. When SSDs get full they slow down.

Please post your full system specs as your system is more than good enough to play WoW over 60 FPS.
But since you are having loading issues it sounds like your installation is trash. Consider resetting Windows and installing a fresh copy onto the SSD.

Any source of this claim?


Who told you this…? Are they fully up to date with current storage working?

Tell me, then… how is it that I have Win10 Pro on a 250GB Boot SSD (C:/) & World of Warcraft running perfectly happily on a separate 500GB SSD (D:/)?

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