What's the command to hide your character?

I know that alt+Z hides the UI, but I remember reading about a command to hide your character for screenshots. Can't remember what it is, though!

Anyone care to help me out?

Edit: I found it. For those interested, the command is...

/console showplayer 0

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14/06/2016 16:35Posted by Kyrenna
Is there a command to do that?

I always scroll in to see in first person so I'm not on the screens :/

There is! The worst thing is, I know I've used it before... I just can't find the comment I replied to which had the command in it.
14/06/2016 16:36Posted by Subbie
There is!

I am 99% sure there isn't. Google would reveal it and it doesn't. Are you sure you are not thinking of a different game?
14/06/2016 16:40Posted by Shammoz
14/06/2016 16:36Posted by Subbie
There is!

I am 99% sure there isn't. Google would reveal it and it doesn't. Are you sure you are not thinking of a different game?

I'm 100% sure there is. I've used it during Warlords of Draenor, and no, it's nothing to do with addons or file altering stuff. It's just a normal command like /console reloadui. It's something like /showcharacter=0.


It's /console showplayer 0
Well when I said I was 99% sure I thought you meant an ALT key function... honest guv. :)
IN CASE people didn't figure it out, to reappear it's just

/console showplayer 1

(Sorry for the Up, google brought me here and gave me the answer I was searching for)
I hear ALT+F4 works as well.
10/11/2018 06:20Posted by Grizzard
(Sorry for the Up, google brought me here and gave me the answer I was searching for)
I'm glad you did, I didn't know this was an option :)
Is there a command to do that?

I always scroll in to see in first person so I'm not on the screens :/