What's the deal with Dracthyr?

So for starters, I’m quite enjoying the way evokers play, and the dragon form customizations are alright… the visage form however is completely lackluster in terms of customization. Particularly the lack of variety with the hair styles is vexing. Fortunately for myself, I don’t much care for the visage form, and would have preferred having only the draconic form… but I know others do care.

On to my main point of criticism… there seems to be no visible difference between male and female dracthyr, beyond the voicing. While it’s possible to make the dracthyr appear somewhat masculine, making them appear feminine is nigh impossible. Now, I understand that giving them breasts is a controversial topic, and that’s not what I’m asking for. I’m perfectly content with breastless dracthyr. There are however other methods to generate a more feminine appearance, such as wider hips, eyelashes, posture and movement… speaking of, why is the walking cycle so extremely goofy? It looks like a parasite puppeting their bodies and pretending to know how to walk!

In short, there’s a lot of room for improvement, still. Considering the expansion is more expensive too, I think it’s fair to demand better quality.


Honestly as long as this does not translate into having different “dragon form” tied to body types i would be okay with it.

Otherwise no thanks, i prefer female visage but i would not want to be tied to a different dragon form cause of that.

Well, I think they missed a great opportunity with the Visage form.
I mean why we can’t choose any Alliance/Horde race? Why it has to be one for all?

Now, I understand that giving them breasts is a controversial topic

I hate living in 2022 :smiley:

I love the class, but the visual side of things is underwhelming. Why the armor is not visible etc.

I award you 1 internetz for this one.

The obvious thing they should have done is make the males bulkier, chiseled, bigger and meaner looking overall. But Blizzard in the current year is unwilling to give you these kind of things.

Now you have to settle for horned argonians that somehow seem weaker than the normal humans.

They’re essentially lizards. Not every race has to have definitive genders in my opinion, especially when they’re essentially dragons/lizards. But customization is never a bad thing I guess.

It’s an odd thought, but you can’t differentiate between male and female reptiles either in nature.

I think they did the job too well, since the only difference is that the female is sightly smaller.

So i donno, give males a crotch and females breasts? They aren’t mammals. The point of breasts is to produce milk to feed babies and only mammals have them.

Taken from a science website: “Males are more swollen at the base of the tail than females and have a pair of enlarged scales near their vent (cloaca)”

Ironic, considering most other male models are massive. Orcs, Worgen and Draenei males are built like greyback gorillas :joy:

On the topic of reptiles… dragons are based on reptiles but they’re not entirely the same. Furthermore, since there are lizards who give life birth as well, I don’t think it far fetched to take it a step further, considering this is a fantasy game. Ideally, a difference in builds would be nice. Bulkier males and more slender females… though not to the point where males turn into more gorillas, we’ve got enough of those as well.

you do have 4 bodies to choose from.
1: more slender
to 4: more bulky

Welcome to 2022 and Blizz’s line of we had to compromise, Void elves were a compromise for High elves for the alliance and now your gendered new race is a compromise.

Yes, but they’re the same for both genders, and the difference is inadequate. It puts a bit more thickness on the limbs and torso, but doesn’t change the build at all.

Males and females are no longer a thing in WoW. There’s just a bunch of body 1 and body 2 people running around. Honestly it wouldn’t have been surprising if the visage form was an amorphous blob.

They have loads…

There isn’t supposed to be.

oh god no! Please dont advocate for another anthropomorphic Disney Princess…we only just got female Worgen fixed!!
I think body type 1 is perfect for making a female Drakthyr TBH and you can also make them look more feminine using certain muzzles and face options.
Although I do think there should of been a type 5 for a really beefy, roided up Drakthyr as well.

I agree about the walk/run actions though. They look so goofy! Maybe they are still stiff after being frozen for thousands of years!?

Actually, it does. A more bulky torso is masculine. One of the most significant changes trans men experience when they go on testosterone is bulking of the upper body.

They do have about 20ish hairstyles to choose from, but most of them look very similar. There’s only about 4 styles of hair you can choose from… I in particular noted a lack of long hairstyles, especially straight hair styles without excessive curls, braids etc.

I wouldn’t go full disney princess, that’d be a bit extreme. I like where Worgen are at now, considering what they used to be… still can’t believe I played femworgen before the model rework and was like “Yeah this is fine.”, though I’ll say I still think they should have tails, but that’s another topic entirely…
I think some simple feminine features would be sufficient. If they can give Ysera eyelashes, why not the Dracthyr?
I’ve found body type 1 to just be wackidly lanky, like a really skinny tall person. Some of the muzzle options help give off a more feminine vibe, but it’s nothing conclusive. A more beefy body option would be welcome, too… but considering it’s already quite easy to make a masculine Dracthyr, I’d lay priorities elsewhere.

I’d agree if the bulkier bodies properly broadened the shoulders, but they don’t really do that. Slimmer limbs, wider hips are also big feminine traits, but all bodies have the same hip ratio and limb-thickness… it’s not much to work with.

all dragons look the same in dragon form shocking i know alex don’t have a big chest as a dragon so why would this discount dragons have any

I find it worth noting that the model of the four legged draconid, the ones you see a lot of in the Nexus, did have breasts, actually. So there’s that to consider…
Though naturally, all dragons and draconid looking the same, bar the different subspecies, is because Blizz couldn’t be bothered to create seperate models for all, which is fair considering they weren’t playable races, and thus didn’t have the option to select Male or Female (or body type 1 or 2, as they call it in this PC hellhole.)

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they’re lizards, lizard are renowned for not having much difference between males and females in terms of looks. The regular dragons in game have nothing to show who is male or female visually.
Besides there’s 4 different body shapes. The skinniest has pretty narrow waist and wider hips while the bulkiest one is, could be said a lot more masculine looking.

Please, Saxhleel are cooler.

And at least have detailed lore.

Yes, I’m posting on a Dracthyr. Only EU character atm.

I think the customization could be better, and even in Morrowind you could tell the difference between the sexes of Saxhleel, or as you call them, Argonians.