I gave the game a rest during phase 3 of WotLK. Came back a week or two into Cataclysm and decided it was time to level a Blood DK for tanking dungeons. I’ve always found tanking to be the more enjoyable thing, spent years playing DPS and after a while the big numbers don’t excite me anymore, and healing just isnt something that appeals to me.
Now, I start this DK. I’m also leveling alts with friends as well, and in EVERY dungeon, theres at least 1 DPS running ahead and pulling, dying, and then expecting me to pick up the full room’s worth of mobs. I’m by no means picking up too few mobs, in BC dungeons im picking up at least 8 mobs per room. So why is it that in every single dungeon I get some DPS (usually a worgen DK or Mage) trying to throw themselves into the pit.
In the past there was obviously a few like this, we all know them. But it is happening every single time I enter the queue without fail on every single alt.
I had a mage a couple days ago in Hellfire Ramparts running ahead and basically half second casting blizzard on every mob in the vicinity, and then begging us to kick them so they could avoid the penalty. And since then, the leveling experience has just been one ballache after another to the point where I just end up clicking Exit Game for a few hours until I’m willing to put myself through it again.
It’s legitimately ruining the experience for me.