What's the most populated EU server right now?

Best if RP/PVE only.

Here are the best lists we have for EU English-speaking:

Now, limit that to RP (there are no PvP realms any more, so that’s not a thing)

For Alliance, the clear answer is Argent Dawn. Great raiding options, and Role Play is very much alive there.

For Horde, it’s almost certainly Argent Dawn as well. The faction is smaller, but still very active. There is definitely activity on the Defias Brotherhood cluster, but not so much of the RP.

According to those stats shouldn’t the best be Draenor / Silvermoon?

You did say RP. Draenor (for Horde) and Silvermoon (for Alliance) are not RP realms.

Don’t people RP in Draenor?

RP is very rare outside Argent Dawn.

Argent dawn have extra rulings concerning certain things to protect cor RP, other servers dont have the same rules so most rpers gather on argent dawn.

I dont think ive ever seen RP on any normal server tho

What rules?

Naming rules and behaviour rules.

The naming code, names have to be authentic to RP reasoning so u cant call urself BigPumperXxx.

Gotta be realistic and justified as a name given to your character.

Also disruption tends to be more enforced, if players try to troll on a RP realm i.e barging in and doing dumb things among a rp event while not involved they are far more likely to get in trouble for it.

Where on a regular realm ur name can be as stupid as you like providing not offensive, and people jumping around things and no one rly caring for whats happeninf around them isnt punishable.

On RP realms u can be banned for disrupting a RP event.


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