What's the most remote place in wow?

Teldressil and Mount Hyjal for the alliance.

Thunder bluff, and Ghost lands ( near wind runner spire)

While, for DK it’s the Shadow Vault.

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There are some little spots at the borders of Mulgore that are very quiet, if I remember correctly there is also a weird spot with lots of critters that carry a weapon in their mouths…kinda creepy.

Shaman order hall, completely empty, only you and the elementals, and the view to Maelstrom.

Goldshire if your horde, our fav place

The most remote place hmm…

Somewhere between Kalimdor and the Borean Tundra. If you look closely on the map there is this tiny spec of land, I always thought it’d be used for a new race.

So if you want an empty space for your holidays just fly north east from the middle point of Ogrimmar until you find it, you’ll know it when you see it.

Neverest mountain in Pandaria: I climb it once without english air! :smile:

For me that would be Tavern in the Mist Inn.

tirisfal glades where the mushroom circle lies, ( you may want to turn back time with the npc so you can enjoy some nice singing from the litle winged drake faries ) :slight_smile: in the wishperign forest. Haven’t seen a soul teher when i have a break with my main to have a litle chill time :slight_smile: To geth there fast ask a mage to pen a portal to dalaran carter (if he have the portal spell learned) or just fly there :slight_smile:

Edit: I made a video for you too :slight_smile: i hope the quality processing from youtube in the video will be done by then when you chek it out :slight_smile: I also left a litle surprise for you in the description box :wink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VVbOTBzelE&feature=youtu.be

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Love the responses in here!

For myself there are a few places I like to visit but perhaps the most isolated place is ontop of the highest peak in Tirigarde Sound. In all the times I have gone to the top of that peak, I have never seen a soul. Though now I have said it, im sure tourism will go up in the area :laughing:


Yeah i had the same thought too while sharing my spot as well :smiley: but i dont mind it at all :slight_smile: tirisfal glades is realy a remote place :slight_smile:

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There’s this ‘tip’ of land of old Azeroth map you can go to instead having Silvermoon zone that is there now.

In TBC I used to sit on ‘old tip’ of map to reflect in solitude.

I loved that place. It used to be one of the possible destinations of the random teleport druid spell.

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I love that place :slight_smile: it hase a history you know :slight_smile: that was the place when the first guardian Alodi came to be :slight_smile: And so on foward with the lore of WoW leater on :slight_smile:

The floating isles in old Nagrand. :smiley: I love the way the sky looks there.

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