Whats the point in limiting public work order to 4

When private work orders are still unlimited? Since you can’t even select a minimum quality for public order (which many people ask for), there is literally no reason to ever use this feature.
If they truly meant it for the crafters to make each craft valuable, the public and private orders both would have a certain daily cap on crafts. Limiting both public and private orders to 4 would actually make sense. Recrafts can have their own cap that can be higher (lets say 10 per day).
Right now there is still no reason to put out any public work orders. Nerf it, buff it, doesn’t matter.

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Sure there is a point - I wont accept orders for treatises under 500g anymore

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Someone will do it for 100g in personal order
The point is to stop this

Public orders will still have their customers, not everyone have friends crafters.

its to make sure that public orders appear more available. Rather than 1 player clears them all out, whilst the next player has none.

As a result, you’ll stop seeing Treatise orders for 5s.

Its a good change tbh.

It is a bit odd, the number of public orders has just gone down from 5 to 4 per day, so not much of a difference. But on “spark days” like today you will probably see more epic orders. I would usually save up 20 to fullfill anything above 1k … now I alread did 2 for 10k and wait for something else.

But more than 5 orders on regular days was rare before, I don’t think this will change much as there are no more stacked “spark days”, but a more constant demand. Still doesn’t fix the issue that there aren’t enough public orders being created in my opinion.
(maybe thats different for inscription). And I may need to pay more then 10g for green pvp gear …

Yeah the only problem is there were next to no public LW orders until now, and there are absolutely zero now.
I don’t quite understand why blizzard is pushing the inefficient trade channel spam on people.
If I wanted to boycott it, I’d encourage the 90% of crafters who are currently avoiding it to take part in the spam and completely shut down the channel by making it unreadable.

All the 4 limit accomplished was put public orders out of their misery.

Does it really 4 public work orders tho? On 2 different characters it ate 2 charges when i completed a public work order, from 4 to 2 on one, and from 2 to 0 on the another? Is that also bugged?

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