What's the point of guilds?

When I came back I looked for a guild to game with. After a few hops, some nasty ones even, I joined a guild. I got involved, helped recruit and grow, and kept my eye out for the nice people I had met in previous guilds.

I now game in the best guild ever. Period.

My enjoyment of the game is 500% increased when I game with my guildies. It’s way more social, way way more fun.


Exactly this. I can’t imagine playing this game solo now. I would die from boredom instantly :smiley:

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There is no point being in a guild unless you do hardcore mythic raiding, or really high rated bgs. As for friends and such, I’d rather hang out with my rl friends if I wanna socialise, rather then talking to ppl who I’ll never meet. Haven’t been in a guild for over a year, and I don’t miss it at all. All the content I want to do can be done by pugging, where you don’t have to commit to some fixed raiding schedule. I have some btag friends though for achievement hunting and casual pvp.

There is indeed very little reason to be in a guild. There are even discord communities out there doing mythic raids and mythic+ so pretending to say that only guilds do mythic raiding is a joke. Yes indeed they perhaps don’t kill all bosses or are even close to effecient but they still do whatever a normal guild could do, without being in a guild. It’s stupid how WoW has changed.

I agree. First thing I do when I log in is to say hello to the SOD community. I don’t even bother writing in gchat as more often nobody replies.
Asking for M+ In the green chat I can hear crickets in the background where in my community I fill a group in 5 minutes and I have to apologise for many who replied late when the group is full.
Now for raid it’s another story, guilds are more organised.
I have friends in my guild but I usually chat with them in whispers.
Guild community is dead. They only have one mindset, progress. That’s it. Probably that’s the reason why I level my alts up to 120 guild less. I don’t feel the need for one, nobody come rescuing or helping you when you need them. I once got stuck soloing third boss SOTS. One person came helping me… from my community (Sinaaki might remember that, I never forget how helpful he was). Not a single person in my guild. Not a single reply, not even a “piss off”.
Community are the new guilds, Blizzard should make them more prominent.


You get out what you put in.

I lwad a guild for 6 years which had more ups than downs and then got worn down by it so joined some guilds. A few were like you said but then I found another where I’m happy. I can relate to the people there, we do stuff together etc. If I’d just stayed quiet this wouldn’t have happened though.


My last guild I liked was in cata. Since then all the guilds I have been in are really quiet semi dead ones that inv me with the addon. I don’t put much time in trying to find a good one though as I don’t do group content anymore. If you want a proper guild try finding one through forums

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Kind of cheesy but being in a guild is like being in a family. We feed each, we bathe each other, we kiss each other.

Okay I’ve been in some wired guilds.


A guild for me is a “home” so to speak, a home where ppl work together.

Sadly, like you. i feel most guild are just something ppl wanna test out, they craft one, then invite tons of random ppl (with some addon i bet) and the guild grow, but, without ppl in it knowing really why they are there.

Whenever ppl ask for help in general or trade chat, i normal tell them that they can just ask thier guildies for help, where most of the replies are simple “they dont wanna help”.

The only thing i dislike about been in a guild are proberly the “addon / bot” response to ppl getting achievements, i dont mind ppl getting achievements, but, having like 5+ ppl in the guild with a addon that says “gratz” each time i person get a achi is a bit much.

Newplayer have earned the achievement: [Shave and a haircut]!
Player 1: Gratz!
Player 2: Gratz!
Player 3: Gratz!
Player 4: Gratz!
Player 5: Gratz!
Player 6: Gratz!

And then when i ask ppl to tone it down or simple turn it off and ppl then gain achievements it be like this.

BGplayer have earned the achievement: [250000 Honor Kills]!
Me: Wow, gratz!

And then nothing…basically, ppl can earn a achi that anybody can get within 1 min, all goes crazy, but, if someone get a achievement like “exalted with AB”, noone say anything, its just…argh!

The combination of been anti-social but extremly kind and helpfull have proberly also made me abandon guild (to the point i simple made my own with only me, myself, i and my GF in it :stuck_out_tongue:

Nevertheless, back to the core rules about a guild, its a home where ppl have to help each other.

I am in a nice guild right now since forever. People actually communicate, do try to make raid schedule, but we lack active numbers. Everyone is all around novice friendly and try to lend help to low level WANTED quests.

It’s a community baby, it’s fun

What a complete load of total rubbish this statement is. Maybe for YOU there’s no point, but you aren’t everyone else.

We’re all different and play the game for man reasons, for some it 's all about M+ and/or raiding, for others it’s all about RP, for some it’s all about having fun with their online friends, the list goes on and on.


No, thats true ofcourse, I should have said “for me” there is no point. Ofcourse if you’re into rp or things like that, it makes sense to be in a guild.

Before achievements this sort of thing happened nearly everytime someone gained a level and I agree that it is a bit of a nightmare especially when there’s a totally unrelated convo going on in GC.

In my case? Jokes about Genitals and bodily functions at the most inapropriate times.
…god I love my Guild soooo much… :grin:

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Well, the point of guilds is to be a part of a group of likeminded people, as you state yourself - but finding the right guild can be a problem.

when you first join, if you’re not a core member/founder/irl-friend, you are going to be the outsider, and you will for quite a while. (That is what experience tells me)

That’s one of the reasons I made my own guild, with no members (Because finding members is just as hard as finding a good guild) - and then joined a community for dungeons etc.

I hope you find what you’re looking for! :smiley:

Amen to that. Without all the lovely people I’ve met over the years. WoW really has no meaning.


If that’s your current guild I encourage you to find a better one. Truly some guilds are boring, and not at all welcoming. But others… Oh my.

If you were on my server I’d offer you a ginvite in a flash. Moreover, make a DH, DK or new alt and come hang out with us for a while if you’re interested in what a fun guild looks like


I’m fine, it was just an example of what the guild i been in use to be, so, instead of blocking all guild invites in the future, i simple made my own guild and added all my alts to it and invited my GF over.

On alliance side, my alts are in her guild XD.

I’m also damn caring about ppl i tent to be in guild with, trying my best to please all, so, been in a guild with 30+ ppl that need help is just to demanding for me (having a hard time saying no).

Atm i do help some new player on Doomhammer, its a dead server it seems marked with “New Player”, so, its kinda refreashing to see new faces there ansking question in general chat ^^.

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The point of a guild is to be a “safe place” where people with similar goals in WoW can be together. The problem, sometimes, is that once you know what your goals are, you still have to find a guild that not only has those same goals, but also will fit your personality.

No point wanting a nice relaxed, friendly guild to while away the time discussing the merits of different recipes to cook for the kids, with a bit of casual heroic raiding on the side, and then joining a guild who does the casual raiding, but is full of teenagers who couldn’t work out how to boil an egg. And wouldn’t want to.

You have to do your research if you want to join a guild suited to you. And be honest with yourself … and with anyone you speak to from prospective guilds. If you want to spend your down-time in guild, chatting nonsense on discord … say so. If they don’t use voice chat for anything other than the occasional raid, don’t join.

When you join a guild, don’t immediately assume that, if you want to do something, everyone else will drop what they are doing and sit waiting obediently for you to be ready to start. If you want to run a dungeon - say “hey … I’m going to run this dungeon, anyone want to come …” … if they don’t, they don’t. Go anyway. Don’t assume it’s personal … they’re probably busy doing something else, or don’t have time, or just don’t fancy it.

Personally … having been in a guild … actually the same guild, virtually since I started playing in 2007, I much prefer being in a guild. I have sometimes levelled and played on a character outside of a guild - but it’s just so much more boring.

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A good guild and the friendship you make will be the only thing that keeps you going in this game. Cause content will go old and stale, guild friendships always add a new smile to you.

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