What's the point of guilds?

Well…i have yet to find a guild that i felt home at. There never seems to be a way to get into those core groups as people want me to believe. I don’t feel like I belong Anywhere to be honest. The guilds i’ve recently been in with my characters were all examples of this, closed circle of people. I felt like i just had to watch as others had fun interactions or even talked at all. All i get is annoyed remarks when i ask if anyone has a suggestion on what to do in wow.

I don’t believe it when people say that guilds are like family. I have yet to ever see it as such.

And with the lack of worthwhile things to do in wow currently…i’m not sure where to even go.

Guilds are dead because Blizzard have removed almost every incentive to be in one and socialize/work with a large group of players.

No tangible perks besides hearthstone cooldown (we could have things like extra bag space, small stat bonus for being in full guild party/raid, special mount decorations and equipment). Most of the WoW reward structure has been cut down to single player or 5 man group which directly incentivizes players to be anti social or play in a small clique.

The guild ads talking about community and tight knit groups etc are all just generic drivel, a leftover from the past where guilds and realms actually meant something. This could be fixed very quickly if Blizzard cared, but it seems that they don’t since they’ve left guilds to rot in the past few expansions focusing almost exclusively on content that doesn’t require any social interaction or responsibility.

I’m an antisocial awkward person that rarely ever speaks, but I get asked to come for M+ all the time. You just have to prove you’re a good player. Either by coming to raids or taking a role that’s in demand.

This is my stance on it.

I say hi to people when they log on, I say bye when they log off, and I say hi and bye… I also put random messages into guildchat, to keep it alive. It could be something I am doing, it could be something I have in mind. Add something to your guild by talking. At first people might be akward about it, but eventually they’ll start talking from my experience.

Then again, like Dejarous, I don’t expect anything back at all, if I put no effort into it myself. You are a part of the guild, so if you want the guild to be alive, you have to talk and help create a sense of community. Solely asking people for dungeons runs won’t get you anywhere though. In such case other players will only be tools to progress. Community has to be built on more than just LFM.

And at last. I am aware of cliques, hence I talk to all. I don’t make a difference between those I spend the most time with, and those I spend less time with. I talk and reply whenever I can.

You get what you give, but it doesn’t magically change over night.


Honestly. A really good guild is hard to find. But, a really good guild is worth its weight in gold. No more pugs, steady raiding (if thats your thing), a sense of proper comunity which actually wants to help you. Plus the most important thing, friendships!

I care for the people I play with. They are more than just a tools, and avatars on a screen.

I still don’t devaluate your real life friends just as you shouldn’t devaluate my very much real friends in a game.

I’ve been lucky to meet some of my game friends IRL, and the friendships are as real as those you met face to face the first time. Even those I never get to meet face to face, are just as real to me than those I do see face to face. You might not have had this connection in the game yet, but that is likely because of your attitude towards other players. As long as you are happy with what you have outside the game, I won’t be one to suggest you do it differently ingame.

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I can agree… i have been in same boat minus the first guild i was ever in named seduced by bruce willis… but that is because i did have friends in that irl ones… the one i am in now has a good feeling until recently since guild master said i am like a pet and will not use my actual name anymore. So there was mockery in that also. I dont know why it changed so much from vanilla in terms of feeling in the guild… at least someone is saying it though

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If you just join the first guild that invites you, that’s pretty much the experience you’ll have. Good guilds don’t randomly invite people, that’s only what the cesspool guilds do. Usually there are big and reputable guilds on each server that often accept socials and make guild events etc. Yeah, it can be a pain to find one in the beginning, but sure that most realms have at least one guild like that.

What kind of guilds are you joining?

I’m not seeing a difference from then to now.

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Whoever will have me, social mostly.

You just join guilds without knowing anything about them? Or at least having a chat with them first?

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Well, i tried to join guilds after chatting with the recruiter for a bit. Still, has never yielded a guild I stayed in for more than a few months. Kinda sucks…especially when you get the feeling others in the guild resent you.

Guilds usually need some kind of focus, the most common reason I have been in guilds is usually raiding. Communities are essentially the same except they can’t do mythic until the cross realm restrictions are removed. The focus obviously does not need to be raiding.

They could have done so much with guilds and built upon them with each expac, but like many other things in game, it was a system they have not bothered to keep up with. I mean we’re still wearing the same crusty Tabard designs from vanilla.
At present they only seem to serve as a hub for people to better organize groups to run instances. A shame in all honesty and another missed opportunity

Interactions should be organic, unfortunately this isn’t possible without the option to truly progress your character playing solo.

I litterally have daily cases of where i say something like… “oof that was a really tough battle, how are your AV’s faring?” And amidst that, the “guildies” will just randomly start talking about other things and completely ignoring me. The guild i’m in hordeside is one of the worst offenders of this. it’s “focus” is supposedly M+ and raiding and “a friendly environment”. I can tell you, that last part is a lie.

Communities feel too scattered and too spammed with loads and loads of 1-person communities clogging up any hope of finding any true community to join. as such…i don’t think the feature is particularly helpful for me :frowning:

I feel like guilds only make me more bitter. Is that what they’re about? because that seems counter to what you guys have been telling me so far. It seems like there are no longer any friendly people left on my realm… sigh…makes me sad and feeling alone… :frowning:

You don’t sound like a kind player, with all the telling people to ask their guilds for help or telling them to tone it down, and then complain when people to congratulate others when you want to congratulate.

You sound like you want things to go your way and only your way. Smh…

Back in the Oooold days when I started :older_woman: Guilds were where you made friends, where you could find your regular people to group up with and do anything from PvP, to dungeons, to quests and even raids.

Later it became a place where you could find friends, raid and do M+

These days however - You are just there. No one talks to you, replies to you or wanna do things. Everybody pugs.
If GL and RL cannot make progress happen fast enough - people pug in advance of raid days - making it even harder for the GL and RL. WoW has become too much of a Singleplayer game for guilds to have the same purpose.
Heck since Discord Communities became a thing, even more so.

A kind person cant call himself kind, that is for other to judge.

I just mean, if your in a guild, there is a “bond” there, if you need help, you can ask in there, if ppl in your guild ignore you, it proberly mean your in the wrong guild.

That do also mean, if i where in a guild and someone asked for help, you better belive i have helped them, in order to honor the code of the “guild bonds”, i mean, thats why i was in said guild to start with, a home, a place for team work ect.

What i mean about the “dont say grats each sec a person got a achi” is more or less the “forced” gratz (unless its a addon ppl have just installed)…credit is where credit is duo…if ppl ding, its just oldschool to say “gratz” ofc, each lvl matter!, but, doing something like getting a haircut or your first kill in a BG is proberly not that impresive ^^.

If i see ppl get thier first HK in a BG, i tent to tell them to hug the person they just killed for another easy achievement…or, if i check what BG they are in, i can tell them to try this or that in order to get another achievement, dont get me wrong, i love when ppl get achievements, hell, i am almost achi capped myself, so, in order for me to get some easy achi, i dont mind helping other getting thiers, its like bonus achi for me XD!

If i do sound rude, it might be my anti-social personallity irl / been a loner / introvert, “casual elitish” kinda thing, but still, i can ensure you, as long as you dont find me in a BG, i play for fun :stuck_out_tongue:

With the rework of the communities finder, you can find a community that isn’t a one-man band in minutes.
Also I’d suggest to join the SOD community. I have a char there, which I don’t play much but from the little interaction I’ve seen there’s more life there than in some guilds I have a char in. It’s not chatty central with chat rolling on the screen 24/7 but it appears to be genuine interest in talking to each other, theorising etc etc
Not to mention I got carried in heroic warfront 20 minutes after hitting 120 and a day after in a +10.

Thank you to the warrior key owner whose name I forgotten, may your children be plenty and smart! :pray:

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