A kind person cant call himself kind, that is for other to judge.
I just mean, if your in a guild, there is a “bond” there, if you need help, you can ask in there, if ppl in your guild ignore you, it proberly mean your in the wrong guild.
That do also mean, if i where in a guild and someone asked for help, you better belive i have helped them, in order to honor the code of the “guild bonds”, i mean, thats why i was in said guild to start with, a home, a place for team work ect.
What i mean about the “dont say grats each sec a person got a achi” is more or less the “forced” gratz (unless its a addon ppl have just installed)…credit is where credit is duo…if ppl ding, its just oldschool to say “gratz” ofc, each lvl matter!, but, doing something like getting a haircut or your first kill in a BG is proberly not that impresive ^^.
If i see ppl get thier first HK in a BG, i tent to tell them to hug the person they just killed for another easy achievement…or, if i check what BG they are in, i can tell them to try this or that in order to get another achievement, dont get me wrong, i love when ppl get achievements, hell, i am almost achi capped myself, so, in order for me to get some easy achi, i dont mind helping other getting thiers, its like bonus achi for me XD!
If i do sound rude, it might be my anti-social personallity irl / been a loner / introvert, “casual elitish” kinda thing, but still, i can ensure you, as long as you dont find me in a BG, i play for fun