What's the point of the Night elf male & why so bad?

Why are the Nelf female models significantly better than the males?

In the lore, amongst the long vigil group of night elves, females are the more melee/physical orientated group, whiles males the more caster types for druids and mages:

Yet it is the males that look more battered and rough edged, even though as elves, full of magic, whether arcane (highborne/moonguard) or nature (druid) or divine (priest) with their philosophy, they should be healthy and full of healing and long long life fully optimised at peak appearance - meaning while signs of aging and scarring is optional, it should be far and few between, especially on the more caster males than females. Especially on a race that has always loved beauty, beauty in nature, and replicated that beauty in the works of their hands (look at their cities - Suramar, Zin’azshari, Darnassus) and their appearances… the “uglifying” of the night elf male is contrary both to the lore and the elven norm - and I don’t understand it -

I expected far younger, healthier, more chiselled and smoother faces defying aging, scarring etc - even without tree blessings - their nature magic, their healthy eating and their link to the well of eternity are all massive indications that these should be the prettiest and healthiest looking elves on the block - then why are so many of the male options so haggard and ragged?

It’s fine as options, but why are there so few decent, nice looking and whole ones available. Should it not be the opposite blizzard?

One must also ask why are females far more often used for druids and mages amongst night elven NPCs and significant characters? One must ask, if the developers can’t stand the sight of Nelf males - why don’t they improve them significantly?

Why do we have so many old NElf male faces? In the lore, most of the males spent thousands of years sleeping, if any gender should look older it should be the females, yet the art team went for the incorrectly old man appearance?

Can I ask why only the Night elf female must look gorgeous and the male ugly -? Aren’t night elves meant to be beautiful? Until TBC, they shared the same model as high/blood elves.

Please tell me how both the Nightborne and Zandalari skeletons, both based on the Night elf male, some how manage to both look better, especially the latter (i.e. Zandalari male), having many proportion and animation issues fixed, and yet the Night elf male is still languisuing in absurd/weird proportions? It must also be noted that the Nightborne male, based on the night elf male, suffers from the same “ugly face” syndrome - are only night elven based females meant to be attractive elven beauties but when it comes to the night group - the males are supposed to be ugly?

Can you tell me why the new night elf models in 6.0 just somehow look worse both in the face and in the body than the classic models? Look at the posture of the neck, then look at some of the faces, how on earth and you somehow manage to have a new model look less attractive than an older one? Everyone else had improvements, especially blood elves.

So if you’re going to only be serious about the night elf female, and use her for all things night elves most of the time, both melee and caster (overwhelming the male usage) , I have to ask the question then:



Because the males look like old men

Yeah never could get myself to play a M Night Elf because of the whacky proportions and animations, I feel like playing a gorilla with a corset and not a graceful and terrifying elf.

I mean it is terrifying but not for the same reasons.


Yup. I play only male characters till i wanted to start a nelf. sigh

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There is no point, elfs don’t have males

Are you straight male irl? Boom there’s the answer why female characters will be more pleasing to the eye.


Cuz you are straight?

im good looking

To be fair. The nelf male model from WoD is terrible and it is still terrible with shadowlands update etc. The Night elf model need a complete revamp they look like garbage, i liked classic nelf male but I can’t stand the wod one. I have to play zandalari and i would never ever consider to play the WoD nelf male. WoD nelf male model is really bad. The face, the hair, the animation. Do something please blizzard

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Thank you, i think most people can see this… and it just baffles me, how you can make a new model WORSE than an old one.

You must really hate the NElf male, or just not care one iota about it. Yet all the things you should have fixed about it, come fixed in the Zandalari model based on said NElf male… which can only lead to one conclusion…

BLIZZARD HATES NIGHT ELF MALES - so I ask again, if that’s their attitude, what’s the point?

i guess they can continue to ignore them, because they seem to use females for all the druid and mage roles most of the time, which to me points out they are aware how displeasing they are, hence their lack of use.

WoD night elf looks like they are standing on their toes when they are in their standing still pose? Like they are swinging on a ship? Blizzard must have been in a real hurry to complete the WoD night elf model. It is pure garbage and I dont understand how anyone think it’s good. Zandalari is basically the classic nelf version in modern wow

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I don’t see them as ugly. I think the nightelf male characters look very good. In fact, I find only 1, maybe 2 female nelf faces look good, and I really dislike their legs(on the females) , so I never play classes that don’t wear robes, as female nightelves.

I play a Male nelf character alt and have no issues with them, apart from the faces. There is only one good face.

You know how Female Trolls only have one pretty face? Kind of the same case for male Nelfs :rofl:

Only arguably that one good face for Nelfs gets mixed reactions.


This is my original main, and I used to quite like it until they destroyed it with the cata update, now there’s no decent faces left on males, I just can’t get myself to reroll it

Interesting. I like 4 of the female faces and none of the male faces.

I think the males look much nicer when they smile, but their posture is off. They lost definition in the abs from classic - which only the DH version restored. The neck posture seems horrible, the way the classic male stood seems far more erect.

As for the faces, I wonder why we didn’t get some of the classic faces translating to something like this:



Now these are based of the classic model faces… yet we get puffier, older, snarlier, less defined versions. i don’t get it.

The fact is they got it working well on the Zandalari, but not on the Nelf male.

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Well, I have lots of male NElves, and I think they could be a lot better.

The faces you have a point, i have to cover mine with a cool beard to be likeable, seriously, without it, I couldn’t play it at all.

For melee, I can only really play a demon hunter because the animations are adjusted, and a monk because it’s style is different.

Casters I can only play those whose class animations dominate the race animations. I prefer using a Nightborne because their idle stance looks nicer than the male night elf. … but the Nightborne faces are even uglier if that was possible.

Same symptom, I notice horde players complaining about Nightborne male faces and demanding blizzard do better, while completely ignoring that night elf male faces are in the same boat. But in previous topics they would say they were fine, even though they don’t play them and don’t care for them, but now they have night elves, they notice they are not fine. The irony was amusing though.

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Night Elves had a promising start in Warcraft 3, but have since been butchered for all of WoW’s 15 year lifespan.

Time to accept that Blizzard cannot write.

It’s not just night elves. Alliance has zero good races and models.

I sometimes wonder if they have lost the ability to see what the problems actually are or just refuse to see them because of bias or, just don’t care.

but surely these guys know…

Maybe it’s because the original people who made it and loved it because it was their creation are all gone, and the people who are running it are just seeing it as a pay check, probably once excited about it, but not as deep down into it as it’s original makers.

but even those could have changed, too fed up working on the same thing and whose love has long since grown cold.

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