Whats the point?

whats the point of having this spec anymore?

  • beserk is crap it doesnt work well with bloodtalons as you gain to many combo points and costs 3 talent points (coiled spring isnt worth wasting a talent point to help this it should just be added to the beserk talent on top of the 10% to counter the 25% you loose not getting BT procs)

  • costs 9 talents to have any sort of energy regeneration (2 in omen of clarity, 2 in tireless energy, 2 in frantic momentum, 1 in soul of the forest, 1 in savage fury and 1 in fount of strength) and even with all that the class is worse of than having just 1 point in omen of clarity in DF

  • removing tear open wounds was a bad choice because all that happens now is that you cast primal wrath then bite and alternate and god forbid you accidently cast another bite! it chews up the last of your energy and all your bleeds fall of waiting the five min for energy to regen

  • ravage needs a wider cone of damage and makes less noise than a bite (i dont even think it has an animation or if it does its that bad i havnt even noticed it) you can do better than that for one of our new big boy talents

  • reducing mele range doesnt make sense for how fast the game has got constantly finding myself out of range of my target even though im on top of them which doesnt help playing ravage and omen as there based on auto attacks so it hardly procs, that also goes full circle as the damage cone for ravage gets even worse if your in the middle of a pack trying to do damage

  • all of your tigers fury talent changes can go in the bin you should have just taken off the reset when an enemy dies

  • wild stalker doesnt proc enough and even worse on single target boss fights

in conclusion please stop making this class crap and hard work to play whist making every thing else more op and fun.


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