What's the way to deal with RMP?

Genuine question.

Playing thundercleave atm and RMP is just the bane of my shaman. We can do everything perfectly in the beginning, but as soon as we do one mistake, like missing 1 kick, it’s just done and RMP gets rolling immediately.
Shaman never lives regardless of what point of the game it is.

Really, what is the way to beat RMP? What are the signs that the burst is coming in?

you play a better rmp as it has always been

There has to be some way. At the very least I’ve noticed that literally any of them can pop like a balloon if they really overextend.

Ironic enough, within the minute I posted this I beat 2 RMP comps so it isn’t all bad, but would still like to know what to do.

U can try to play full defensive for ur shaman.
Disarm/Spell reflect

U don’t need big ms against them I think.

or any of the other 10 comps that flat out beat rmp atm

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Yep doing that atm.
Banner all their opening CC, and fear on their burst.
Still insta my shaman.

If you know how it works you can counter them pretty easily.
Imo your best option is to play Def when your healer got a cc they are ready to go.
Try to peel as much as you can and kick the re cc

i guess you could try training rogue while sham plays defensive and runs around the pillar in dog form a lot. rogue can only connect with step kidney if sham runs and you train him. if it’s assa fire watch the pies, line and stop them. probably focus most on stopping mage on kidneys if he’s fire, that’s where the burst is. if it’s assa frost the mage probably doesn’t do very much if sham just runs.

the only win condition you need is mana since they have a disc priest, so just run and live until you win.

Shaman is pretty bad against rmp, regardless of the spec.
Was already like this in Wotlk. Usually easy to die in the opener already at that time :smiley:

RMP was always dps shamans nemesis. Both Enh and Ele are tanky when they can kite. Unfortunately they die in stuns. Guess what Rouge provides in RMX - oops

Something your sham can do is prewall the go but it’s hard to do.

Old fashioned rogue tunneling gief you best chance.
Healing rogue is very mana expensive, and if you know how to bait his defensive cooldowns even better:)

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