What's the word on char nameS?

I’ve seen lots of ‘non RP’ names. Like combinations of words like ‘Daddycooll’.

Isn’t there a rule about naming convention on RP servers? Should we just report?


You can report it, and if enough people do they get a free name change usually. Doesn’t really bother me though.

Yeah, I report everyone that has a name like that. People can join the server, but need to respect RP policy, not be here to just avoid queues.


If you want to mass report people for violating the RP naming policy, wait until they reach higher levels, preferably 60. Imagine investing RL weeks into leveling “Healsloot”, your personal little Dwarven Priest, just to end up being renamed to Sigrid or Hilda or something like that.


I’ll give ppl a break for a while since I don’t think everyone will stay after they’ve tried the game for a few weeks or the regular PvP realms have shorter queues, but if I see someone called pwnupewpew on lvl 60 I will report it.


What? Your character can see hovering letters above the heads of other people in the world? :smiley:

I understand reporting gross OOC speech in /s and /y (not stuff like “inv?”). But reporting names always seemed a little iffy to me. I mean, how would your character know?

Sadly you can’t report players of the opposite faction.

I can live with “adventuring names” like blackmace, or w/e.

But some of the alliance names -.-

Goldenanuss, fourskin (with a guild name advertising a paid membership of a pornographic website )
and that’s just in 20 minutes in stonetalon

I’ve seen Goldanuss today at if bank, and I chuckled heartily at the implication. Nicolay just saw a mertial type of guy with a red chestpiece and some sort of Gnomish goggles on his eyes. See what I mean?

Pornhub Premium is all kinds of hilarious. I mean, lighten up chap, there is planty of good RP arpund for those who seek it. I’m having the time of my life. Literal in character random interactions in the world. Haven’t seen that since tbc and a few orchestrated events in wotlk. As I said, your charactet can’t see shait.

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Right I mean it’s not like it’s immersion breaking and that there are rules against it ( in those two cases they manage to break two different rules at once )


If rules aren’t enforced, they are not really rules, are they ?

However we should be tolerant for at least a month. Many players ended on this server unwillingly or unknowingly. Many players will quit too. In fact, it seems the novelty effect is already wearing off a little. Queues are going down.

I fully endorse reporting non RP names and have probably reported at least 10 per day since release.
Keep reporting guys until we see acceptable names or drive out the players who only came to ZT to avoid queues.


Is that still against the rules btw? I had a look at Blizzard’s policies and couldn’t find it any more :confused:


I meant OOC /say etc…

Ah, well that I don’t find anything on either anymore. Nonetheless it is custom to the roleplaying community that on those realms you keep /s as an IC channel and also often a guild requirement for RP guilds.