What's up with Blitz MMR and rating?

I was at 1648 rating after winning 11/11.

Every Blitz I enter our average MMR is 1300-1450 and enemies sometimes even lower than that. So how are you supposed to gain rating when the wins grants me 4-5 rating and the losses -19? I don’t mean that it’s just one game I’ve gotten this it’s every game a lot lower MMR, 10 BGs in a row.

Why should I even queue this if it’s unrewarding by design? Win 4 and lose 1 = no rating gain.


This is one of the very few legitimate complaints about blitz. The MMR is a bit inconsistent and stingy and cr gains as well. I think they may do calculations on the conservative side and may have went overboard with it. It will be seen if TWW S1 will bring the great inflation, or if they have to tune the numbers a bit.

That’s why.

Your MMR has to be higher than your personal rating, by winning you build MMR.

You are in a MMR deficit, so you need to work hard and win several games in a row.

I know how rating gain and MMR works. I got 1600 after 10 games. After winning 7/8 after that I got a total of 48 points.

The issue is that I get in really low lobbies, that’s why I’m losing 20 for a loss and gaining 4-5 for a win.

The problem I see with this is why am I put in low lobbies - this will just make it so I need to win 5x more than I lose just to gain 5 rating. Makes no sense.

You have to find a way to win the game somehow. I play on 2.1 or 2.2 and get people on 1.6 cr in the same lobby, why? I don’t know.

This is what I’m dealing with - it’s stupid design and I don’t even know why I should play this mode. This is what I get every game:

I have 1600+ CR and I had won all games until I got 1600 rating. Then I lost a game after 17 wins. After that I still win more than I lose. My MMR is high.

The first game in this picture the average MMR was 1515 and I got 7 rating and facing average 1437.

The game after this I get into a team with average 1356 vs 1396 and I lost 19 rating?

Why should I even play this mode??

https:// imgur. com/a/AGKCfTq (remove spaces)

Yeah, fair, that’s quite odd, I had something similar where I won a match at 2k and went down to 1.9 and lost that match, and lost 0 rating. Bit suspicious.

It’s ike this every match. There is no point in playing it…

That’s how the placement games works currently. You need like 25-30 games to not face other people playing placement games where the range is quite wide.

Once you gotten out of those games you should see that everyone on your team is higher CR and you play a more “normal” MMR.

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