Whats up with Geheenas, moved from another realm, its full of GDKPS

I didn’t expect geehenas to be full of GDKPS, all i get is whispers regardless GDKP runs, its kind of annoying, blizzard i really hope you will do something about it, as this is stupid, how can i play normally when everyone is doing pay2win content ingame, and your allowing it.

I always recommend doing a bit of scouting before going to a new realm.

For your information, GDKP is not against the rules.

Yes i know GDKP isnt against rules, but seriously, is GDKP good for server? no.

It is good for those ppl who make gold/money of it, however in general is it good for health of servers? not really? its overpopopulated with botters, cheaters, GDKP runners, those same ppl sell those golds, their accounts onto many popular sites, i didn’t find single TOGC run yesterday, a single one that isnt releated to GDKP, seriously dude? even private servers ban GDKP.

Why would blizzzard allow GDKPS is my point, whats good in it? what is that benefit allowing people to basicly do transactions over items, its simple p2w system… the reason normal players are leaving is because of GDKPS, after i saw how bad it is. I am also thinking of leaving game untill i can return to proggressive realm where its actually possible to find a group.

I am dissapointed into what turned this game.

This is more of a community issue than anything else. What would you want Blizzard to do against it? Remove Gold? Players would just start exchanging tailoring fabrics or another commonly dropped thing instead of golds. They can’t monitor every raid to be sure it’s not done through exchange and the community would never accept to have Personnal loot in Classic.

In other terms, it’s a long lost battle against community stupid loot distribution concept.

Hmm, they absolutely can forbid things like that, its not like its hard to track GDKPS

This aint just community issue, this is overall issue. People are leaving game because of GDKP’s because its pointless to them to play since they cant play it normally but instead they have to go to some sites that sell gold, and so on and then gamble with that, its basicly ilegal legal… They arent tracking anything, you know why? because blizzard makes profit that way. So as long they dont catch you buy/sell gold ur gucci. But doing GDKPS with who knows who farmed gold, that is just fine. I dont agree with you, as GDKPS is so easy to track… way easier then buying/selling gold.

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