Whats up with Horde rp?

He also isnt here

Hes not a real guy

Garrosh had his issues but I’d take him over Sylvanas x Nathanos anytime


The True Horde wich was formed by Gul’dan for a porpuse (hint: not the best interst of the orcs in mind) and composed of Mannoroth-blood crazed fools, tossed in to the meatgrinder by their Demon overlords during the First War?
The True Horde wich was played by Ner’zul like a harph from Hell during the Second War?
The True Horde that was formed by basically as a Coalition of Survivors of several almost-extinct races?
Exactly what makes a Horde “True”?
So far nothing to be proud of, except the Coalition of Survivor of several almost-extinct races, that one is actually had future and was able to work toward for a better future…
Or, you know, any future at all

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You mean the old Horde which attacked Quel’thalas and burned its villages and children. Well geee, I wonder why I don’t represent their crazy ideas :thinking:

Well he ain’t here. He’s in the shadowlands answering for his sins.

Also a leader that almost drove off the Darkspear, Blood elves, and undead is not a very good leader when you lose faction members. :man_shrugging:


If you play a vulpera just don’t force anything on to other roleplayers, there are some that don’t even want the race to be part of the game and no matter if you agree or not that is absolutely fine.

In my experience if played as nomads from Azeroth and not Furries in World of Warcraft, then people are more than willing to accept and rp with you. But making (joke) rants about how bad the horde is won’t help and only lead to even more arguing.

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He’s not even in the SHadowlands anymore, he died there so he’s deader than dead at the moment.

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He’s not anymore, he basically said; “I’m not sorry” and yeeted himself out of existance.

Actually the chad move, and i say that as somebody who didn’t care for him.


God damn, I love Garrosh.


Kinda rolled that for my Etienne char (loyal to the Alliance but also more than happy to break the law if he can get away with it, so still some bit Alteraci)

Horde RP is there and Orgrimmar will live again.
Alliance is easier to get into in terms of lore and “relateability” i guess?
But if you want to go for the noble savage, the spiritual shamans, the mystic hex doctors or hardy survivors that have a great culture that isn’t “humans > the world” but could rival them in its complexity, give Hore a try.
We might not be as “squeaky clean good guys” looking.
But we have good people in it too.

As for Vulpera.
They are the most true Horde race introduced into the Horde for a while now.
IF you see the Horde as a coalition of different races from various backgrounds who had to face hardship and in many cases almost extinction, slavery or opression.
Yes the Vulpera have not as much Lore as the Zandalari for example, but they will get more here and there.
Yet their Lore states that they are highly adaptable. Heck that is why we see Vulpera Kirin Tor in Dragon Flight.
These Fox People learn and adapt, they can make it anywhere!
Yes their roots always will be from Vol’dun, and that is as fine as a background as it is.
If you survive in a Desert where everything wants to kill you and don’t have huge Walls to hide beind, or magic barries, mystic fog, green planes and tall mountain ranges, or are undead allready, you learn to make the most of anything you have.
If that is something the Horde does not stand for “Surviving at all costs, against how many odds if everything wants you DEAD!”
then i don’t know what is.
Vulpera are Horde as much as any other Horde race has the right to be.

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We do? Wow that’s lame


Believe me, as someone who hates tiny races (gnomes, goblins) I expected to hate vulpera as well, but their racian, their tails, snouts and ears are simply awesome and from the gameplay prospective I LOVE their passive (caravan and bag of tricks) and it might be the most usefull passive for leveling in the game (caravan) with the bag of tricks being good at the late game if you find more stuff to pull out of it.

That being said, Dwarfs and Dark Iron Dwarfs still remain my favorite short race, but the vulpera are close second! Blizzard made a hudge mistake by not letting Dark Irons join the Horde!!

Hey that’s me… too!

Also, Horde RP is cool. Just guild based.

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Didn’t they literally put “Orcs 2: Uncorrupted Boogaloo” into the game just over a year prior. I think that’s a bit unfair.


I big agree here

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Me too :handshake:

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[PCU] [H-RP] The Aparoshe Stampede: United Tauren MIGHT! [Recruiting!] - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


It’s over.
Kirin Tor bros, we lost.


Thank you based dark iron poster.


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