What's up with the racism?

Seriously why does rp guilds only recruit certain type of races? It kinda breaks my immersion, afterall we’re all part of the same faction.


Not sure if trolling or serious…

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I’m sincere I understand that some guilds has certain fantasy themes that does not comply with all the races but there has to be some roleplaying guild that dosen’t have an issue with someone being a diffrent race.

It’s a core theme that people want to have.

Argent Dawn is so big with specific race RP guilds…it’s hardly shocking now. To be fair, I think it’s good because it shows what side of a particular race is appealing to a group of people.
I see nothing wrong with it - but I have been on Argent Dawn since 2012, so I don’t see it

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As I previously dictated yes I understand that, Also I’m not speaking about Argent Dawn I’m speaking about the Zandalar Tribe server, you can see it underneath the header, I just find it boring and kind of unnatrual and fabricated and it ruins my immersion.

Wrong section dude this is ZT

It makes sense to me, especially if your doing something like a tribal rp, you don’t really expect to see forsaken there just like you don’t really expect a dwarf or gnome to be in the sentinels. Some things are just race specific I guess, but I suppose the argument can be made to make exceptions but it would be kinda odd to see.

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Truthfully though, that’s on you.

Not on whoever is leading the guild.

It’s RPPVP - I was giving an example that this isn’t a new thing.

Racism? No no, its speciesism.
And there will always be factions within factions.

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It’s only temporary and Also, the initial hype of classic. Once the pop goes down, then they might recruit other race of the same faction.

First of all. There is a vast difference between species and races. Also I think you are confusing a fantasy game with reality. If you have a problem with that (what I would call a misunderstanding of what constitutes racism), and not that fact that you are indiscriminately killing left and right as a so called adventurer- then I would say a little bit of species specific non inclusive roleplaying is the least of your concern.

In my experience it makes it even more immersive when playing up to cultural norms both inclusive and non inclusive from a roleplaying perspective. What you are offering sounds like a boring politically correct hugs for all type of mentality. Sounds goody goody on the surface, but ultimately stems from a point of ignorance that will further more division down the line.

I for one love dwarf only guilds that take a piss out of the tall lanky elves and such- and then when they actually grow to understand and form bonds between limitations then it becomes more genuine.

Sorry if I sound harsh. But I have a suggestion for you: why don’t you roleplay what you feel exactly. Then see how the roleplayers respond to you in character- maybe you will learn some good reasons as to why they are non inclusive.

Then again, the fact that you honestly asked that question gives me a sneaking suspicion that you ran to post on the forums first before asking the parties in question first.


AD is a carebear server dude, not RPPVP.
Warmode is just another PVP toggle.

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Yesterday, I met two Humans in Darkshore, who were very standoffish towards the Elves there. I obviously didn’t see the tags of “Scarlet Crusade” above their heads in character, but I had some amazing semi-in character 2 hour questing experience with them. Including berating a certain dwarf prospector for being a stereotypical fool of a dwarf. And literally refusing to invite a Nelf into a group in character. (We invited her ooc obviously to share the credit).
It was THE best RP I’ve had in a decade, and that’s saying something as it was very light, all things considered. I’d join the guild in a heartbeat if I wasn’t forming one with my old Sporeggar raiding buddies.


Is OP trying to join every guild there is, or what’s the problem… :thinking: How could it bother someone, if there are guilds that accept only certain races. I bet some will get offended, if they see bunch of NEs speak darnassian… “Speak english, it’s english server ffs! I don’t know what you’re speaking because obviously I need to know and it’s my business! You are not allowed to speak, unless I know everything you’re talking about!” :sweat_smile:

I think it’s awesome to have RP guilds with themes like “this race only” and many more too, as long as there’s a theme. If I can’t join gnome-only guild as a NE, then it’s alright. I’m not going to try join every guild there is at the same time anyway.

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you all got trolled by a very special snowflake…
might as well let this stupid topic die now?

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yo the stygian dawn horde side recruits all races. we rp loads


If you’d like to play within the alliance faction We happy few just started to recruit and we accept all races and we do rp alot aswell, there’s a post on it here on the forums.

Cya ingame.

Hey! Mind if I ask what the Guild is? :slight_smile:

Im sure these particular humans had excellent reasons to behave the way they did. They sound like fantastic/charismatic and smart people… this ofcourse based on the way you describe them.

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So Am I not allowed to create a guild of Kaldorei RP? with only Kaldoreis?
My guild my rules, that’s not “racism”, you’re probably trolling.
Since the origins there were guilds like that and it’s a good thing because it’s not the typical generic shi.t and that’s good.

What’s the sense of a human priest in a guild of RP druids? O_o