What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

I got to a lot of campaigns uninvited and can confirm being killed would be a 10/10 deterrence to a nuisance like me

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I’m not upset, I’m just saying the initial intentions of the ending weren’t communicated clearly - so while the overall fights were won by Alliance (and I don’t remember there being a numbers discrepancy either, it was fairly balanced? Unrestricted was a curbstomp and Horde stopped taking part of those later though, then again… when hasn’t it been a curbstomp :slight_smile: ), they suddenly had to lose.

Don’t even have to secure an actual foothold (even though there is one in Barrens already), just have the sense of victory the way Alliance had for the whole entirety of the campaign.

The problem isn’t about losing, but that no one told us we were supposed to lose, so when suddenly that was told most were like ‘what? why? haven’t we won like literally all the time here?’ - but that was the only problem.

Also pretty sure the Alliance numbers are cut in half when PCU makes a campaign, for some reason people are super scared to join those. Which is a shame, IMO those campaigns have always been quite balanced in numbers, fun, and also quite neutral in terms of biasedness.

rotgarde man bad


Then again it depends on the amount. If a Guild goes un-invited. Every single one should be hunted like dogs. But the problem is that in return they may try to do the same. Turning a Restricted battle un-intentionally un-restricted.

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Also the northrend campaign ending had already been decided long before the fiasco happened- Chook even posted proof about it.

… Is that a Ranged?

Howling Fjord Flashbacks

People keep saying that smaller campaigns would be better, lo and behold that’s true. A number of campaigns weren’t advertised and they seemed to have lasted longer and were more amiable with the right attendants instead of the monkey cage that the larger, open ones were.

Too bad that 99%* of the people that made TTH/DRS good didn’t make it to AD or turned into braindead leprechauns in the process.

*The 1% are those good folk who now refuse to be associated with the DFB community that planted itself here.

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Actually due to all the stuff that had been happening on the Alliance side Alliance had been losing most conflicts during the last 2 nights- Including the final battle, mainly because a guild or two abandoned the battle due to some IC or OOC grievances that I already talked about earlier.

Attrition basically. Turtle wins the race.

Yeah but look at chooks campaign, total victory for alliance but still not happy because they werent sucked off by the king when they got back


Flanking intensifies!

Also the late soggoth darkshore event was super fun- Despite Alliance giving up & basically packing up after first few hours of the first day conflict (despite equal numbers).

On the flip side I’ve always, 100% enjoyed campaigns where the end result wasn’t projected or declared in advance. To date I’ve hated the fact that Garrosh was announced as the final boss in MoP due to the very same reason: I like to be surprised or leave it to guesswork what will happen. It adds to my little sphere of immersion if I, as a player, aren’t made aware what’s going to happen.

This is the one type of deception I can live with because ultimately if I join a campaign just to win it then my intentions are less than genuine when it comes to RP. I’ve got more out of losses in these campaigns than victory anyway, but that’s just my personal experience.


but if you’re not winning at RP then what’s the point,…,

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Mission failed, we’ll get them next time.

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The only public one I’ve run since Drums of War was unrestricted and honestly unrestricted just isn’t as popular as it was in WoD etc

Beyond that it’s just not really that fun to run campaigns in the current climate - it’s like running a free soup kitchen but a big number of the hobos simultaneously accuse you of spitting in the soup but also want more soup

True. Hate the Rotguard

Agree 100% but I will say: in the past (ie. during Drums of War) I took this approach - people who weren’t signed up got told to avoid the RP PVP and if they refused I would have them dropped

Realistically 99% of these players were Alliance (if only because this realm is 99% Alliance am I right bros…) and when we went through with this we had people trying to “anti-grief” me (an organiser), saying some incredibly crazy things about me in various raid chats, kicking off arguments in the related discord and so on

That’s really the problem in my eyes - there’s a kind of tribalism where people will defend “” their “” faction against the guy running the campaign which is absolutely not conductive to campaign balance or the enjoyment of the host


:nerd_face: Sorry, good sir, but my galil SAR fires empowered 5.56x45 that has a 15% chance to put my enemy on fire. :nerd_face:

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Aku of the Ratguard…bad…

Hard agree, I’ve wanted to run another campaign since BfA dropped because it’s the FACTION WAR XPAC but the ‘’‘‘community’’‘’ has really put me off of doing it tbh.


Look, the galil SAR? It’s a gun… hells, you Do know that, right? It’s a Fact…even during the Battle of Thermopylae… the -fact- that the SAR is a Gun is well known. The situation is that you have to Own it or move on. Got It?


Most of Silverpine in DoW didn’t even know who the organizers were and decided that they take the reins and organize an IC/OOC coup against the people who were meant to guide the playerbase because the (voluntary) organizer wasn’t a lawful good paragon.

Somehow things get lost in translation when people sign up for a campaign and don’t even bother reading what’s expected or just conveniently forget these minor details because it suits their personal (extremely, exclusively personal) enjoyment.