What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

It’s all in the title, made on the behalf of Ábél.


Ban it. Who needs it? Not us.

Dont sync abilities on discord/skype/ts/msn and everyone is gucci


put healers under the same rules as the rest of us
if my mage have to stand still and count to 5 between every spell so should they
at least that way it wouldn’t be so boring since people would actually die.

edit: better yet, let all spellcasters use their full range of spells, not like we can one shot anyone anyway with all the heal spam.


Stop playing to win.


Just stop playing* at this point.


I think this goes for all Campaigns both RP PVP and PVE.

Too much focus is on mechanics and not enough is put on narrative and RP which is what (hopefully) will be remembered. The friendships/ rivalries made, the various characters you meet…

These are the things that should matter, not the banning of abilities, or any ruleset. Of course we need them but lets not get stuck on them, we are all roleplayers not PVPers at the end of the day.


And a change of mentality to those attending is crucial also, I agree.

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:triumph::triumph::triumph: true :triumph::triumph::triumph: it is vital to my guild’s enjoyment even that this is dropped for good

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oh yeah that aswell, I like social rp much more than the fighting.
being a messenger who runs between armies with news, acting like a scout or a dearing merchant looking to sell to the soldiers on the frontlines and perhaps loot the battlefield is the kind of thing I love.


You’re trying to mesh two things together that the game is not inherently designed to achieve, and that’s the problem in a nut shell.

PvP is designed with the prospect of victory or defeat in mind. RP is not.

There are ways wherein I believe PvP can be used to formulate or dictate various RP circumstances but a clumsy, restricted mish mash is genuinely not the way to go about it, in my opinion.

In the last few campaigns I’ve taken part in, by trying to fuse these two aspects of play together, all we’ve done is watered them down.

Now. I enjoy auto attacking for hours on end while attempting to emote or partake in brief dialogue without fear of being bursted down, to an extent but… I don’t know, I feel there are better means to accomplish this, especially in regards to people dying/fainting/etc.

Perhaps only allow dedicated healers to heal, limit their number per group and when a player dies, they’re out until the end of that particular sortie/fight?

Perhaps allow unrestricted healing for a brief duration and then at some point in the fight, change to restricted mode?

It adds a lot more flavor when there are actual, decisive victories.


Check numbers before each fight, making sure they are equal or at least in same range…

All cooperate to have fun, rather than other things…

Be fair and don’t do things that breaks rules and annoys (this is for each individual though)

Be chill, it’s a game, mistakes are made…

Hope other campaigns will be cool and chill, as we had that type of campaigns before


Not gonna lie, I enjoyed RP PvP a whole lot more back in MoP when the meta was to wear greens and limit HP – this was done to counter the unkillable tanks, and also to make everyone on an even footing when you didn’t have some guys with their mythic trinket procs farming kills while cheesing the restriction rules.

It felt a lot like RP PVP was more “alive” back then without needing these grand campaigns to pull it off. I remember actively getting involved in unorganized skirmishes with some Alliance guilds in the Barrens and Ashenvale with a few other Horde guilds and it was good fun. Same happened in Arathi Highland to some extend as well.

Then the griefing episode started and we got together on the forum to discuss how we can improve this, which lead to people farming gear and even trying out unrestricted for a while through WoD. I remember the threads dedicated to grouping together to farm BGs just to gear everyone up in preparation for an upcoming campaign.

Griefers will always be a problem, but I feel like it would be an interesting experiment to go back to the old system that dominated in early MoP with using greens from that expansion to limit your HP. Mostly to deal with the tanks. Battles were a lot more decisive with a 100k (in MoP numbers) health limit and didn’t carry on for several hours.


Call me boring but I miss the old days of Cata RP-PvP before transmog. Just wearing your RP gear and following the “don’t be an knob” rules. Throwing out an ability or two every 5-10 secondsish and mostly auto-attacking.

Some people find it dull, but I loved it.


Also this. In early MoP with the HP rule, people were more comfortable wearing their RP sets and there was less of an emphasis on finding RP gear you can transmog interchangeably.

You’d have orc warriors wearing harnesses and no shoulders and sometimes leather for authenticity while charging into battle against some sentinel guilds and it felt all around more immersive than “Okay I’m a warrior and I want to be more old school orc but the transmog options are currently limiting that ((unless I’m a Mag’har)) so I need to find a convenient reason to wear a lot of plate IC so as to not be at a disadvantage”.

also hello Astaer


This is actually a good point to make, although while it might have been made in slight jest this does happen. With how easy VoIP has become and how ubiquitous it is with Discord these days people are expected to be in it at all time in many guilds, especially during rp.

You can tell certain rotations of abilities are being planned when you see all 10 generic human footmen cast shockwave within 5 seconds of one another.


One or the other would work, healers should not be allowed free reign to heal ad infinitum. Restricting them will make people more cautious (as they should be) and healers to think more on their feet (as well as more engaging gameplay)

The alternative, letting others do full damage is essentially removing the daft spell/ability restrictions we have in many of these things.

The only way I have seen this be countered is by pre-defining the conclusion of the campaign in advance, thus people can roleplay the “meat” of the campaign narrative (and their own) without having it gnawing in their mind.

Perhaps you should make a Mion RP-PvP guide? That’d for sure benefit everyone.


Remove the Alliance.

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I actually coordinate my attacks in-character with the squads I run with but not really try hard at killing people, just chunking them a bit to force them back.


Use the PvP aspects as graphics alone, the same as you use your ‘fighting stance’ to represent your character’s guard stance in other RP i.e. emote fights/RPPvE. Communicate carefully and consistently with the enemy and explain the manoeuvres you’re trying to make - changes in formation, oblique order, outflanking. Let them /raidwarning it to their guys, let their guys understand what’s going on and let them try and formulate a response, then perform your manoeuvre. Let the roleplay flow through acknowledgement and represent the flowing changes in battle with changes that both you and your enemy understand, so that there is a real progression of tactics, strategy becomes inherent to the combat and you’re no longer aimlessly swinging at somebody who won’t die until one side arbitrarily falls back.

Sure, it sounds idealistic, but we’ve been doing it this way for four years and it has been the most fun we’ve ever had. Campaign PvP just doesn’t compare.